Sunday, May 1, 2011

Dunk Tank Rental Singapore -doughnuts


Given that love is a very powerful element in the stories appealing and, as James Cameron ventured years ago to take advantage of the characters of Jack and Rose to show the sinking of the Titanic, Sara Gruen, author of the book Water for Elephants intends to explore this book as a compendium of cruelty to animals through a love story .

And precisely, this is how I would see this film, when love is an excuse to point out other items because the love affair between the characters played by Pattison and Witherspoon falls into abysmal deep waters, in spite of repeated and unsuccessful efforts to prove that the latter are to each other.

is likely that many women are rendered by the budding charms of Pattison, "which resemble the beginning of another actor who began to relate intimately with the characters so late," but the casting is final the latter was a disaster for the whole production. That is likely to reach high ratings? Of course yes. A thing of beauty is quite another talent. And the beauty in the Hollywood movie business, as has been tested in years of economic recovery, is almost indispensable.
And as every hero needs a villain, Christoph Waltz whom we have once again proves the rich dark exploration of her characters that do not repeat themselves, and who manages, despite being the scourge of extreme cruelty and inexcusable, that ignore and even little forgiving.

The restricted locations used does not deplete the story, on the contrary, give some familiarity to the viewer, as if entering a house to settle there, when, precisely what you want to point out is the integration between the various inhabitants of a circus. This relationship is geared to perfection.

Another element that contributes to the detriment of the film is a total waste in cinematic beauty, evoking through the lens and costumes, among many other pursuits of art, the contrast between the depression of the 30 and constant search for sleek exterior, despite the period, which apparently was constant among certain people of the time.

Faults as a possible screenplay adaptation of a story but it establishes certain allegations against cruelty to animals, can not move at all, coupled with a obvious lack of chemistry between the main characters , and directing actors absent, which is constant in the whole film, sink this story as much as the Titanic, which ironically seems to have borrowed its inception.

scene not to miss: All where is the elephant and Waltz, of course.

My recommendation: not go with high expectations and will not be disappointed.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

If Someone Removes A Tag Am I Notified

The Occupational Psychology 2: Reflections on their projections in Chile

time ago, when I first created this blog got an article entitled: "The Work Psychology: A new field of action or the conquest of a work space," in basically mentioned a book appeared in in Argentina which was an introductory part about what that involves or would involve professional development linked to the field of occupational psychology, today after a long time that first article and with a road trip on a professional level from that paradigm, I decided to write the second part (if you can call this post as well) because on the one hand the number of comments I received both in my blog and in my email and recently the interest of undergraduate students in my country in the context of their thesis work. And is that while a formal level (if we can speak of a formal academic and regulatory framework and not epistemological) does not exist in Chile this field (because any institution of higher education has created) every day I check the validity, necessity and by the way existence of psycho task in working places.

is undeniable that the world of adult education has changed considerably in recent decades. Until recently this type of learning is primarily centered in those who had not the possibility of accessing the school system and therefore needed a learning opportunity that would meet basic educational needs, ie, we spoke of compensatory education. However, in 1930 the British economist John Maynard Keynes predicted that technological advances would develop so quickly beyond our ability to meet the changing needs of society. So in 1960 Peter Drucker predicted the emergence of a new social layer of knowledge workers (PF Drucker 1959) and the trend towards a knowledge society (Drucker 1969). Such a society is characterized by economic and social structure in which knowledge has replaced labor, raw materials and capital as the most important source of productivity growth and social inequalities. In this scenario the new knowledge society ", would require a continuous adaptation of our competitions.

Looking around the world, and particularly the Chile of today, it is clear that Keynes and Drucker ads are in full force. If we focus only on labor, we can realize that they no longer enough to have learned a trade or have acquired a profession, but requires further development and continuous updating of knowledge. All this in a context that has as its learning processes in adult ie it is not teaching, is andragogy.
We note that andragogy is a discipline that studies the planning, implementation and evaluation of educational interventions with adults, which are inserted into a different psycho-social context of school education, while relating to continuing education for life . Therefore, the model responds strongly encourage continuing education requirements, which is defined as all "those forms of education or training pursued by people who have left formal education at a level, they are exercising a profession or have taken on adult responsibilities in a given society "(UNESCO, 1993). Andragogy today has evolved along with other human sciences such as psychology, so we can see influences and cognitive constructivist approaches to learning (and currently the connectivist, linked to online learning in a knowledge society).
Under all this context, it becomes necessary understanding and support from a psychology of learning processes of adult learners, either from a level of formal education (that which is done in the schools and enroll, therefore, in what has been called "school culture". This is the traditional education, which takes place in schools, universities and other institutions dedicated to training), as well as in instances of non-formal education (that which is done in non-formal, ie outside of schools. In this sense, is an education that is subtracted from the constraints the historical and traditional school culture) and finally in informal education settings (that which is produced by the mere fact of living in a particular social context. It is based on the fact that all the social, employment and life generate learning, even without explicit teachers or teaching-oriented content).
If we look a little corporate training policies within organizations in Chile, we see that these have gradually evolved from simple Indo emulation training models based on formal and informal education to seek a strategic intentions of knowledge management processes and collective intelligence, they have understood the importance of knowledge flowing in them and should be socialized and shared (Nonaka and Takeushi), but this is necessary to move from knowledge to learning and who better than a professional psychology training to be a contribution to it. At the end of the last century, Peter Senge (1995) in his book The Fifth Discipline noted that organizations are not learning, but are the people who compose those engaged in this process, which, when incorporated into the practice and socialized into the organization, creates the foundation for a learning institution, to understand the importance of this type of learning enables us to understand in a present context the significance of the emergence of Web 2.0 and social web, which is characterized by the learning network and can be built by thousands of individuals in different places and at different times, so in the field of organizational learning and not only talk about the importance of knowledge is also essential to create learning ecologies and understand and integrate new pedagogical paradigms such as George Siemens Connectivism therefore in the field of corporate training we're facing a new scenario that is necessary to find new ways of teaching that are able to meet the needs of adult students attending its construction, the environment in which they operate and their learning styles.

In this sense takes on special importance to recognize adults as a special type of student with special needs (and of course special) education, training and updating, and with particular characteristics derived from its status as (an adult) . From this perspective requires professional intervention that aimed on the one hand understanding the learning needs of workers in an organization (DNC) and approached from a methodological and epistemological design and development of training programs atingentes these needs, this involves addressing the issues relating to learning adult and the world of work, job training, his techniques, careers advice and career guidance, organizations, culture, values, mission and vision is that in general, the training process, are generally related to change processes in companies and, therefore, aimed to prepare the members of the organization to achieve qualitatively superior status to be achieved. This then implies the creation of new skills, for, in the medium and long term, to consolidate the changes on the basis of the creation of new cultural and organizational values, as to achieve consistent changes have to create new habits, behaviors and behavior change , promote new skills and it plays (or could play) a fundamental role Psychologist job in developing a strategic training plan and the multiple processes that this entails, as well as in the implementation of a set of procedures to operate learning reality either individual, group and organizational. Bibliography

Adam, F. (1987). Andragogy and university teaching. New York: American Federation of Adult Education (FIDE).
Alcalá, Adolfo (1995). Important observation and commentary about the legal and other relevant documents of Adult Education.
Honey P, Mumford A. (1992). The Manual of Learning Styles. Berkshire: Honey, Ardingly House.
Knowles, MS (2001). Andragogy. The Adult Learning. Mexico: Oxford. University Press
Lenz, J. (2008). How adults learn in corporate environments?: Essential knowledge for the design, planning and implementation of enterprise training. Material university course in corporate training expert. UTN, Argentina.
Senge, Peter (1995). The Fifth Discipline: learning organizations. Edit. McGraw-Hill.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Where Can I Buy Hanbok Manila


I left the room thinking that I wanted to hug or Uxbal Bardem, I had no idea whether it was the same, or perhaps it was possible in a previous life, this actor has been Uxbal.

Alejandro Gonzales Inarritu
, the director, comes accustomed to this kind of story in which the key part of the structure of stories focuses on a monolithic connection, and in spite of his professional divorce Guillermo Arriaga-which I think is one of the biggest disasters of cinema currently, Inarritu does in this film to keep the usual interaction between the main story without spoiling.

same time, some critics tend to point to the extensive Iñarritu manipulative ability to keep the viewer in an endless anguish, and, oddly, this same ability is what has positioned itself as a director who knows how to seize and distill the agony of life through images.

plus. Bardem has been overcome barriers to the purely fictional and has managed to dive so deeply, that it is impossible to distinguish where get it and where they begin their characters and, despite what could have been predicted as to their inclusion in the Hollywood cinema is concerned, this talent has not been undermined at any time.

From your physique, to the body language that offers, in which his character gives short steps demonstrating a full life insecurity, Bardem shows that you have absolute control over his character and that he was not escapes to a possible overacting nor detracts life with a mediocre scan.

And we see, and we suffer with him and accompanied him on a plurality of anguish, comings and goings that make a life filled with tragedy and end up questioning their attitudes, their errors are framed in a moral dichotomy that connect and love, makes us forget their crimes and we ignore, as a selfless act of forgiving though.

Uxbal is a character who is little in fiction, but I'm pretty sure that may be largely in reality, unattainable struggling with a mental programming Urged to protect and preserve their own species , regardless of the means used for this purpose.

As background music, strings reappear to do Santaolalla famous in "21 Grams", which are introduced to announce the enemy, "those stages of life, bitter, in conjunction with a film of a broad exploratory wealth, and a cinema verite camera incessantly dancing to the beat Bardem.

The presence of a perpetually rueful soul - mine-through Biutiful this film that only has the name, and introduces a clever way certain dose of horror into the drama with a few breaths, I required to recommend in spite of domestic woes that it can generate.

For a story so well told makes is impossible to think that it is not real.

scene not to miss: All.

My recommendation: Its wide footage (almost two hours), and a certain dose of horror, if you are a very sensitive person, do not recommend it for night time.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Drying Fruit In The Microwave

tachycardia followed two hours more after the film was one I got after this viewing.

And yet, I could not see him.

My curiosity had been affirmed by three names associated: Guillermo del Toro, Belen Rueda and Luis Homar. Could not escape them even if I wanted. Even the meanest of my wishes would not let me.

And so I entered the horror of Guillem Morales, the director, the culprit of the three hours I experienced with the heart beating in an unusual pace, who does not cease to demonstrate - through a film that is taken far beyond the necessary footage, "it is possible to experience the horror without blood shed everywhere.

Penetrating erotically charged scenes in the midst of the horror that is terribly disappointed do not keep seeing Luis Homar who has appeared as significant, though diminished in time. Homar, impregnated always that unmistakable erotic aura that exudes in each of their eyes and dialogue is the only one capable of giving the few respites that history requires.

And precisely these respites to be close to zero on a story in which Julia conflicts are linked in a seemingly endless string of unfortunate events, generate a high voltage far to be contemplative, except in rare scenes, "which Mephistopheles engender drug addiction.

One of the best lighting scenes that had not seen in a long time, caught my attention in which the light comes from an old camera and it will flash next to the central character's desperation. A scene that will have dual invaluable as you can be appreciated by lovers of art, and simultaneously suffered by the common viewer.

A brilliant technical composition, in which unusual flat, make a visual feast of the wide range of possibilities in which the camera can be in profit and not at the expense of history, which hides certain planes or objects, precisely because we fear what is not.

And if faith is the substance of things not seen, then, Julia suffers from a blind-faith and non-literal in that you can find the alleged "murderer" of his sister. Julia's character questions the viewer whether or not it is necessary to repeat the story of his sister as they may pursue a similar fate with the same degenerative disease of the sense of sight, which makes easy prey of reality of a potential schizophrenia.

as something there is a very personal nod to "Psycho" from Hitchcock that seemed excessive and ineffective, making the plausibility of the script invariably falter in the end, but then the film is saved by Morales' ability to take it up suspense. Dialogues

fluctuate between eroticism, poetry and horror ; memorable performances both as Belén Rueda Luis Homar, and in spite of some overacting in a secondary and a longer length than necessary a cinematography and dark greyish , technical leadership and horror that swarms everywhere addiction converge to position the film as a gem for cinema.

An unmistakable sign of when the commercial cinema and art intermingle to seduce any audience. And a policeman essential to note that excessive amounts of blood sprouting is not the only one who can produce a tachycardia.

Scene not to be missed: Do not worry, do not want to miss one.

My recommendation: if you are prone to heart problems refrain from viewing.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Pokemondeluge List Of Pokemons

Documentary: The Virtual Revolution I: Freedom in the Red

Surfing the Web and found this interesting documentary that I present below is quite extensive but I sincerely believe that it's worth seeing.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What Cani Give A Personwith Astrokeasagift

Augmented reality as a tool for learning

Augmented reality is a technology that complements the perception and integration of real-world users to add virtual information to physical information existing, which is done to look for our Web Cam a code containing such information. Just started to see some applications of it, (especially in the field of advertising), but I think a potential to facilitate learning processes from a school and higher education bodies, well without further ado I give you this video (of the many that exist in the network) on the subject.

Monday, March 21, 2011

What To Write On A Card To Someone Who Had A Baby

Different types of requests for training in organizations

In recent days I've been talking about this in my professional work, whether in the context of an exhibition that recently issued in the city of Arequipa (Peru) and in advisory work a training program of the Ministry of Health of Chile, the matter is that when you start talking about how to detect training needs in an organization have in mind that there are at least two types of requests for training in organizations: " functional demands "and" organizational demands. "

functional demands are those that arise from dysfunctions in the tasks and actions of different areas of the company. These are the demands that are generated in the general operating environment of organizations, namely from the requirements of optimal functioning and operational capacity of the company. In the context of different actions and tasks performed in the company arise, of course, other conflicts, dysfunctions and problems that are directly related to the level of staff competence. These dysfunctions and problems can occur in:

• The internal and external organizational aspects of the company (staff / suppliers / customers).
• The internal and external communications aspects of the company (staff / suppliers / customers)
• The production and service areas
• The quality of products and services
• Relationships between different areas of the company
• Attention Customer
• The care and the relationship with suppliers, etc.
dysfunctions and problems that result in training needs, give rise, in turn, a process of upgrading staff skills, which will result in different training activities and projects and training programs.

organizational demands But the "functional demands" of training are not alone in organizations. We must also consider another important source of training demands, such as strategic projects and programs organizational change and continuous improvement that constantly arise in business.
These organizational demands, arising from projects and organizational change programs as well as implementing new strategies, policies and business plans.

This type of training demands results, generally, the need to adopt new skills by staff.

There are several reasons that can lead to projects and programs of organizational change in business:

• Reformulation strategies and company policies
• Reformulation the organization of production and service processes

technological conversion processes • Process improvements in the quality of products and services
• processes to standards of quality, safety and business relationships with the environment,.

All these business initiatives require, generally, that staff develop new skills. Therefore, requiring the design, development and implementation of projects and / or training programs. Both

overcome the dysfunctions detected in different areas of the company, the preparation for the challenges change, requires projects and training programs.

How Much For Laminating At Staples


I do not know whether to feel annoyed or flattered. The film opens with a scene where the protagonist, who is a hired murderer, "arrives in Barranquilla, Colombia, a city where I live, to kill an alleged drug cartel boss, runs thereupon launching of a bridge, which amazingly reached within minutes, which I presume is the Pumarejo.

If this is not laughable in a story, then what is?

precisely a critique workshop I attended, there was talk of unconventional times we do not believe when a film presents the place or places directly related situations that are common to anyone.

This home has several imbalances between the leagues rather than information has nothing to do with the city, to the bodyguard of the alleged head of the cartel who have physical presence in Mexico. Even in the hangar where the plane arrives private drug suspect, know how many hangars there other than Ernesto Cortissoz Airport, but I doubt it's as easy landing.
Now, aside from these facts that deviate from any reality that a producer could have found out, I will refer to other items.

This story is a remake of 1972 with Charles Bronson, in which a "mechanic" is a hired murderer employed by a criminal organization that has "contracts" to destroy certain targets via personal commissions.

could not express how disconnected or is not the story with its predecessor, I can assert is that both the presence of Jason Statham on the big screen like Ben Foster, not only turn heads of women. Statham, is in possession of a visual-alexithymia I give credit to my sister because she is a fan of this actor and lead me to this term-which entitles him to be well positioned in the action genre.

Now there is a main line in the master-apprentice relationship between the characters played by Statham and Foster, who is holding the film ends without the narrative strength decay, and some critics have called a "homo-erotic" to me is different than that, it's a relationship that does hold between admiration Vs guilt complex, maintaining a balanced relationship between the self-restricted (Statham) and impulsivity and instinct murderer (Foster .)

A story that although not bring anything new to the genre, and has very impressive action scenes, but carries with it certain very effective pivot points that comply completely with the final purpose of the film: a thriller that stands above the rest popping due to the overwhelming physical presence of both Statham as Foster and also benefits from the wisdom of acting Donald Sutherland.

scene not to miss: All.

My recommendation: Do not miss this film if you love action.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Los Angeles Strip Club Ammature Night

"You are gods, are all sons of God. But as mere mortals die and fall like any other ruler. " Psalm 82

Every time I see a French film I would go for a dual sense: happiness and sadness. Happiness, because this is the most enjoyable film, and sad because many years ago I promised to study the language to see it without subtitles, and I still owe.

And just today, this feeling I have been tripled.

No more infighting that a decision, especially if this choice is motivated by the moral dilemma between the pressures represented them critically faith and Islamic terrorist group that prevents that eight French monks continue to maintain a peaceful coexistence in a monastery to be kidnapped.

Despite the extreme length of this film may appear to its viewers, Xavier Beauvois, "its director, would not seem in any hurry to get ahead of the facts, constantly seeks to narrate each of the actions most patience in the world, divided between multiple tasks of the monks in the monastery and problems they face abroad.

austere cinematography argeliano both the monastery, as his surroundings, combined with the balance octet of actors who hold while dissimilar personality types, not so much as a glimpse of the main, Christian - The Matrix Merovingian - and Luc.

A restriction collective emotional high purity managed to capture my utmost attention, while the eight men breathe a superlative religion where they look. Almost feel like going to confession to any of them.

And Christian is where the story reflects their greater economic, who confirmed as the greater sense of faith. Has been chosen to represent their colleagues and makes everything a good leader must: Not ranting at the position has given him unanimously, protecting, even with his own life to their subordinates, let them decide about their future, simultaneously accompanies their decisions freely.

My greatest joy I got it at the dinner where the musical piece "The Swan Lake" by Tchaikovsky makes their presence, almost, I thought Natalie Portman was going to jump on the table to cheer with the existence a performance, although these illusions I have lost, I affirm that this stage, but will drop a few tears, at least develop a serious lump in my throat.

despite very limited locations, and singing and possible cracking of faith, this film raises issues of morality in trying to balance two groups that handle different forces, one led by the arms and other with the power of prayer. Scene

not to miss: Dinner with "The Swan Lake" by Tchaikovsky.

My recommendation: The slow tempo of the film may invite further discouraged, be patient and wait for the climax. Will rewarded.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lenovo 9215d37 Audio Drivers


that Colombia can be so inherent violence, which many of its citizens choose at times disconnected from the reality seen through the media. Choose not to read news not see or learn via the web. Some because it hurts the country and other extreme, simply because we have lost faith in him.

Y may be necessary for a film we touch the door, we questioned about the future that we are leaving our children, grandchildren, nieces and others, and we put the finger on who unsuccessfully try to cover up with a warm wet cloth.

Three children, "Low Light", Manuel and Julian have lost a ball in the middle of a minefield, that object is the only happiness in the midst of the anxiety reflected in the daily lives of adults as well as represent a common thread through the story you are looking away from there: Manuel heard a football game on the radio trying to avoid in a moment the reality that surrounds him.

Carlos Cesar Arbelaez, the director, manages to move away from the violence itself to offer a view that while not representing the armed conflict in front of us into this side oblique displacement paramilitary and military forces.

A debut author and film combine to underline a claim that requires no explicit violence or special effects magna clearly not hesitate implanted in the brain the idea that it is necessary to protect future generations of decline moral and cracking of international humanitarian law in the middle of an armed conflict.

natural Actors focused through flat, mostly open, framing the spot looking horror experienced by adults passing day, that require no manipulation by the excellent performance of the same, these three children-that seem appropriate for a Benetton commercial, fed into the skin to be diverted from sentimentality, poked up the smallest broker and settled there knowing that someday they may move freely through the territory Colombia.

A balanced pool of actions confirm the presence of a sublime directing actors through the lens of Arbelaez, together with a photograph that stands out so exquisite natural wealth of the country with a dash simplistic in that it does not risk to go beyond what is necessary but ultimately fully meets the objective of its director: show a side of the conflict through childhood innocence. Scene

not to miss: All.

My recommendation: Apuéstele the Colombian film this time and not regret it.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Promo Pacific Science Center Membership

Presentation: Design Plan annual training and impact assessment

share with you my presentation: Design annual training plan and impact assessment in San Fracisco Xabier: Business School in Arequipa, Peru.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Myammee Flava Of Love

animated films stopped being a matter of children from Pixar laboratories introduced new forms of narrative where adults were equally attracted.

fact, one of the elements which it captured my attention is that this film, which although has some clichés that can work in an adventure story for infants, also boasts some dialogues that are not easily captured by these same.

Industrial Light & Magic is the company responsible for creating the chameleon clear that because of their accomplished acting skills thrive in an environment as hostile as the Wild West. Gore Verbinski, the director, left to navigate the waters of "Pirates of the Caribbean", to move into a genre that is not distracted in position morals. This time the main character, a chameleon scary, with high moral values, struggles to find its identity and its place in the land, when confronted by a myriad of obstacles.

A pool of atypical characters point out the different facets that can be explored in humans, the owl, for example, as a bird of prey, it is for integrating a quartet of depressing mariachis and ironic narrator as Knowing who invariably portend a terrible fate for the chameleon.

Still, at times, I think it insults the audience-not to mention children who are most able to capture this type of situation, in these stories of owls are focused on describing what is being . If a picture tells you something, why should assert it again in the dialogue?

Unfortunately, in its English version will not have the opportunity to hear the voice of Johnny Depp, also the English dubbing for cartoons is the one which I welcome, because its primary target audience.

basic archetypes such as the western Indian the mayor, two people facing grief, singularly rude body language, all result in a visual feast for spectators related to gender, and even a pseudo cameo from "The Man with No Name", Clint Eastwood, who gives a strong sense of reference to the film in the middle of the desert fauna, in addition to that, a sharp called ecology, about saving water, just a village where the supply of precious water is as scarce as hopes of its inhabitants surrounded by a precarious environment where you look.

range will be introduced publicly in the skin general, gender is a lover of animated or not, which will give us a chameleon able to change internally as often as possible. A high-energy, high doses of irony and humor promise that this film will be seen in the animated section of the forthcoming Oscars.

scene not to miss : Absolutely all

My recommendation : Go to the room with a huge amount of fluid to drink during the show, you may because of the subject and want realism binge drinking.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Is A Negative Hiv Test At 6 Weeks Good

Carlos the Jackal "FINAL OSCAR PREDICTIONS 2011

Before enter the Theatre Adolfo Mejia knew the biography of "The Jackal" the same as the neighbor across from my house that never crossed the floor.

At times, appear before a speech virgin film can play against other times, gives you the chance to meet someone in layers, and go slowly appropriating each of his gestures and emotions as brutally honest as fake.

One of the items to the most I expected was to find the film to a mature actor who could put on his shoulders the weight of three hours and had quite a projection of the previous day in which the main actor was struggling between his self-centeredness to look good on camera and be able to recite his lines convincingly.

While Edgar Ramirez (Carlos) was able to obtain this level that distinguishes the great players the executors, in some other was lost to find the sound of his lines in perfect French. I would not say he speaks, but that appeals in five languages \u200b\u200band turns into a perfect puppet Olivier Assayas, the director, a Frenchman who denotes a bodily weakness that betrays the image one might have of pulling the strings of characters that got out at all hours of his mind to fight for their ideals.

original Lasting five hours to be built initially as a miniseries, "this film has been reduced to a 159-minute version only feel after two hours. Own a fast pace in which special effects are not needed large, this film opens a space for discussion need to "humanize" a man who is regarded as a ruthless international terrorist Carlos to make room for the parent, the narcissistic and we suffer, laugh and mourn over a wide expanse of time that we forget their crimes and end up applauding her tender and wry sense of humor.

A frontal nudity long time the central character promptly call the attention of females, while a resource that could be taken with morbidity by more moralistic gives more warmth and empathy visual character. Hence love Carlos as it hurts their final oil.

A balanced pool of performances, a script that has been submitted although controversial because of its historical inaccuracies but in its narrative structure works, the geopolitical thriller imagine a little more, a little less like a great alter ego Assayas, leaves me with an exquisite taste in the mouth, eager to see the five full hours.

Beyond all technical design, which is equally brilliant, "Carlos" gives us a linear film discourse that at times we may drown by the almost limitless amount of information of the biopic, you may lose some viewers little adventurous in acquiring data from historical reconstructions.

Join to crumble this story based on real events, while deconstruct and reconstruct the image we have of a "murderer" becomes Assayas's greatest achievement, the man often deceives us nervous voice image, we end up responsible for loving a man whose objects of desire is divided between sex, nicotine and terrorism.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Implantation Bleeding Period

The following are my predictions for tomorrow's gala. They are divided between what I think the academy will choose and my dark desire for the same category. I look forward to my deep desire to overcome the possible consensus academics.
But who could predict the final choice of 6404 voters?

Best Picture
(Academy) The King's Speech

(My dark desire) The Social Network

Best Director
(Academy) David Fincher - The Social Network

(My dark desire) David Fincher - The Social Network

Best Actor (Academy) Colin Firth - The King's Speech

(My dark desire) Colin Firth - The King's Speech

Best Actress
(Academy) Natalie Portman - Black Swan

(My dark desire) Natalie Portman - Black Swan

Best Screenplay Original

(Academy) David Seidler-The King's Speech

(My dark desire) Christopher Nolan - Inception

Best Adapted Screenplay

(Academy) Aaron Sorkin-The Social Network

(My dark desire) Aaron Sorkin-The Social Network

Best Supporting Actor

(Academy) Christian Bale - The Fighter

(My dark desire) Christian Bale-The Fighter

Best Supporting Actress

(Academy), Melissa Leo - The Fighter

(My dark desire) Hailee Steinfeld - True Grit

Best Foreign Film

(Academy) In a Better World

(My dark desire) Biutiful

Best Animated

(Academy) Toy Story 3

(My dark desire) How to train your dragon

Best Editing (Academy) 127 Hours

(My dark desire) 127 Hours

Best Cinematography
(Academy) True Grit

(My dark desire) Black Swan

Best Art Direction

(Academy) Inception

(My dark desire) Inception

Best Costume

(Academy) The King's Speech

(My dark desire) Alice in Wonderland

Best Sound Mixing

(Academy) The Social Network

(My desire Dark) Inception

Best Sound Editing

( Academy) Inception

(My dark desire) Inception

Best Score, a soundtrack

(Academy) Trent Reznor-The Social Network

(My dark desire) Trent Reznor - The Social Network

Best Original Song

(Academy) We Belong Together - Toy Story 3

(My dark desire) I see the light (Tangled) Best Makeup

(Academy) The Wolfman

(My dark desire) The Wolfman

Best Visual Effects

(Academy) Inception

(My dark desire) Inception

Best Documentary

(Academy) Inside Job

(My dark desire) Inside Job

Monday, February 21, 2011

Where Is The Location Of Ovaries


had to see Ricardo Darin again. Was already very aware of the next move would do in his film career. Go moving down the sides, leaving the straight line of the same character is the best option in a prolific career in acting, I have plenty examples of them, and explain later. Darin

now embodies an anti-hero in contrast to his previous character in "The Secret of his eyes." A "carancho" is defined as a bird of prey, "almost always solitary, living in South America and feed on carrion (dead meat). Precisely to this we point the director, Pablo Trapero, with a precise association of lawyers who specialize in nurturing every day of death.

In this film, which focuses on the compensation generated by traffic accidents occurring in Argentina, but what more does stand out is the performance of Darin, "which is being debugged increasingly like a fine wine - could not assert the same of his co-star, Martina Gusman, who weakens the story due to excessive natural pretended that sometimes verges on visual alexithymia.

Darin is in the climax point of connection with the public in the you would believe anything, such as a prodigious actor tables could.

A script that works with a simple storyline, tragic and raw gracefully manages to stay afloat despite its few shortcomings. His extensive technical composition, sequences and close-ups, is framed through a precise visual aesthetic that goes beyond the story itself.

Its director, engages not just to present social denunciation, but also adds fragments intense psychological thriller that is not distracting to note a lack of ethical values \u200b\u200bin an office collecting illegal payments accident and health system with the same fragility of a broken bone.

'Carancho' does not have the narrative force we expect, because a slow tempo that at times you might invite to discouragement, but certainly end with European-visible qualities in their speech-film leaves us exquisite distaste in the mouth, while we grant the face of documentary film with the idea that the South American cinema is in one of his best moments.

scene not to miss: His thrilling final.

My recommendation: not let your slow pace will not continue to distract you from seeing it.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Daniel And Carmella Bing

How do I generate projects and training programs in organizations?

Overall we can answer this question by noting that different from claims and as the demands are almost always specific and different type, the responses also have these characteristics. This tells us that there will be several "specific types of training."
Thus, each organization has its own characteristics and style of training. Its projects and programs will be adapted to its history and organizational culture, since there is no universal model of training applicable to all companies.

However, the techniques and methods for detecting the different demands are common to most organizations. Also, the process begin with an analysis of claims is also applicable the generality of the companies. Therefore, begin with the analysis of training requirements. Let us now a proposal to conduct this analysis. Advantages

systems approach in identifying training demands
The first thing to consider is the requests. It is imperative, then, an analysis of the demand for training. One of the most valuable tools in organizations to analyze the claims, are "performance appraisal systems." There are companies that have good performance evaluation systems, enabling them to work to develop valid diagnostic indicators serious training needs. Other surveys and applied made workers and their line managers. However, this is not common. Not surprisingly, there is a lot of companies do not have any performance evaluation system, let alone, to develop training plans. The term "diagnosis" is not even part of the language of the organization. Therefore, a key consideration is the systemic approach to management training company. It is therefore necessary to consider the general context, ie, understand the situation in that act of employees and workers who will be trained and use which may make the learning outcomes.
This requires that those responsible for management training (trainers, analysts, consultants), consider the mission of the company, its strategic vision and technical nature of the tasks.
When the project is approached in this way, you can better define how the roles will each of the protagonists, whether managers of training, trainers or trainees tutotes.
Thus, the analysis of the relationships between each of them will define the scope and areas of consensus and conflict, in which bargaining is required for the training activity can develop and achieve their goals.
The table below summarizes the benefits offered by the adoption of standards such as those described above, when it comes to design, develop and implement various training activities in organizations:

However, many companies who know they must be trained, but do not know how, when and how. Other times, performance deficiencies are identified, but they are not properly relate to materials and methodologies.

Therefore, it is necessary involving the managers of the company offering training solutions appropriate.

Issues to consider in addressing the diagnostic phase of the demands
Here are some aspects to be considered in general to address the diagnostic phase:
In establishing the origin of application: 􀂃 How
what matters is related needs or demand? 􀂃
What is the relationship between partners (employees, managers) at the origin of the claim? 􀂃
What are the reasons or grounds for the application?
When talking to the other party (the union president, general manager, operations manager, section chief, etc..) 􀂃
You need to know their training, position and role in the company. 􀂃
And with respect to training, their professional motivation, their attitude to training and trainers, etc.
When we formulated the first hypothesis:
􀂃 What form raised the issue? 􀂃
What are the expectations manifest? 􀂃
What background are counted, what is the source of the problem, which causes were detected, and so on.?
Context analysis: 􀂃
Where does the problem in the context of the company? 􀂃
What is the company's current situation (climate, skills, projects)? 􀂃
How do they relate to other units (processes)?
Expectations: What expectations expressed
actors about the project, what role assigned to the project managers, trainers and tutors?
The protagonists: 􀂃
Who are the beneficiaries? 􀂃
Do these beneficiaries have received similar training before? 􀂃
What is your level of competence (knowledge and know-how)? Who 􀂃
more involved?, Etc.
Obstacles: What obstacles 􀂃
perceived at the time carry out the interviews? 􀂃
What restrictions should be considered?, Etc.
􀂃 What resources are counted (rooms, auditoriums, corporate Intranet and training platform for developing e-learning, deadlines, amounts committed, etc.).
Chances are that if you work from Aboca human resources field, our main interest is more in people in their jobs than processes (own materials engineering). Therefore, we aimed to analyze the players regarding training expected. For this we suggest to consider the following when analyzing application: Respect
􀂃 What are the competencies required to serve in that position? 􀂃
What is desirable and what is essential? 􀂃
What are the rules for access to the job? (Check for)
􀂃 What are the procedures? 􀂃
How many people within the company or work unit have the same knowledge? 􀂃
How long it takes to train a person in these competencies?
On the control of the rules:
􀂃 What degree of autonomy of the worker? 􀂃
Can properly interpret work procedures? 􀂃
Can you create new procedures or only apply them? For

hierarchical positions: 􀂃
Does it filter information to senior and lower? 􀂃
Do you take decisions that have influence on others or on the allocation of resources?

Many have wondered, after developing the project in a "perfect" in all stages of development and implementation, why the measurement could not be carried out.
Usually because the diagnosis did not consider the expectations of people and their attitudes. To this end, is very important to consider the organizational culture and climate.
Therefore, some questions that HR managers training should consider are: 􀂃
What are the feelings and values? 􀂃
What are the problems created by conflict, distrust, hostility and how they manifest? 􀂃
What are your views on the usefulness of teamwork? 􀂃
What is your opinion of committees and meetings? 􀂃
How do people lie about the possibility of negotiations or the existence of rules and procedures?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Drugs Similar To Yeduc Sibutramina


Disclaimer: The selected are of personal taste and of course, transferable.

1. The Social Network
For some this story may sound superficial, but take into account the start of an industry that generates billions of dollars orchestrated by David Fincher is a viewing must not escape us. Fincher, who has accustomed us to dark sides of human being-the most fun while exploring complex, "in earlier films, so sublime handling a very simple storyline if it had been taken by another director with less attention to human, would have completely destroyed.

2. The King's Speech
One of its biggest advantages is having an actor in the climactic point of his career. From there, to a trio acting that borders on the absurd perfection, coupled with an exquisite art direction. As for terms of dialogue, to express friendship in middle age by two men who fraternize with gentleness, wisdom and brutal honesty makes the public direct melt. A simple story line and restricted grants you the warmth needed for a period film is made very digestible.

3. Inception
A film that has many interpretations as to terms of script, which at first runs through how to discern between reality and fantasy in human beings. "The Source" Freud came into fashion again, made to think of implementing ideas in the subconscious through computers without much science fiction, we would have looked silly and outdated. Rotate a 180-degree street, a train entering the middle of nowhere, the Penrose staircase are some of the details that excite in equal proportion to their perpetrators than their fans. A huge feast of visual and it could not be ignored by experts from academia.

4. Shutter Island
One of the great masters of the thriller as Scorsese was impossible not to leave traces on this list, and that his film has been ignored by the academy has been of the greatest absurdities of this year. Adapted from the novel by Dennis Lehane, responsible for titles such as "Gone Baby Gone" and "Mystic River." Brilliant performances by Sir Ben Kingsley, Mark Ruffalo and DiCaprio, plus millimeter management of its details that only an expert in the art would know. A unit place that offers diversity of choice to explore as humanly and artistically mind games brought to this film as one of the masterpieces of this year.

5. Black Swan
An intellectual orgasm. Simple as that. Shine through the lens of Aronofsky, showing the fine line lies between sanity Machiavellian and hallucinations deep, is the best card of this film to your guide to the academy. Give excessive weight to the central character may sometimes play against, but this is a wonderful exception. Recurring symbols and a decisive and stressful pace in crescendo to a climax give the unique beauty as an art film can give us.

6. Winter's Bone
To be honest in the first 20 minutes of viewing I thought I was seeing exactly the title, "The bone of winter," for those not familiar with the jargon of Colombia, a bone would be something of very low quality. Then you look at Lawrence, the protagonist, who is not lost on the role and control almost unsuccessfully to locate his father. We almost lost for a moment until it enters Hawkes-impersonating his uncle, and then we lose this winter is no more external than internal suspense unambiguous representation of Ree. For those who have gone through great trials in her life and have come out unscathed from them may include Ree wisely and not judge their decisions.

7. The Ghost Writer
Personally I love the films that introduce elements unknown to the general public and fail to hold in the human subconscious. A ghost writer specifically stated to the person who is selected to write the books without giving proper credit. Polanski, one of the great masters of suspense turns his magic wand and takes greater advantage they both Mc Gregor as Pierce Brosnan, who despite not character actors shine behind the sinister film director.
8. Never let me go
Imagine "The Island" in drama drawn through the brush of Kazuo Ishiguro, "the same Japanese novelist of" The Remains of the day "- coupled with the brilliant leadership of Mark Romanek. A drama hard to see, to understand in all its complexities due to impotence to stop the viewer. Characters who are caught and handled like puppets without freedom of thought or action, guided by the ever-precise action Carey Mulligan.

9. Blue Valentine
That two actors to maintain the thread of a story without narrative strength decay for nearly two hours, after extensive dialogue can it is not easy to see for the common viewer. An example would be the romantic stories as usual, if we all had the ability to support a drama with a few breaths on board. Bonus extra: Williams and Gosling placed fashionable couple fights.

10. 127 Hours
Watching a man cutting his arm is not normally an ideal for me. Blood that runs a script unjustified always seems to me absurd. This is not the case. Danny Boyle, the director, enhanced with a similar misfortune that Aaron Ralston-in real-life story, had to pass as he fell accidentally under a rock of great proportions. His film and editing make this film an excellent choice as the cinema has to offer.