Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lenovo 9215d37 Audio Drivers


that Colombia can be so inherent violence, which many of its citizens choose at times disconnected from the reality seen through the media. Choose not to read news not see or learn via the web. Some because it hurts the country and other extreme, simply because we have lost faith in him.

Y may be necessary for a film we touch the door, we questioned about the future that we are leaving our children, grandchildren, nieces and others, and we put the finger on who unsuccessfully try to cover up with a warm wet cloth.

Three children, "Low Light", Manuel and Julian have lost a ball in the middle of a minefield, that object is the only happiness in the midst of the anxiety reflected in the daily lives of adults as well as represent a common thread through the story you are looking away from there: Manuel heard a football game on the radio trying to avoid in a moment the reality that surrounds him.

Carlos Cesar Arbelaez, the director, manages to move away from the violence itself to offer a view that while not representing the armed conflict in front of us into this side oblique displacement paramilitary and military forces.

A debut author and film combine to underline a claim that requires no explicit violence or special effects magna clearly not hesitate implanted in the brain the idea that it is necessary to protect future generations of decline moral and cracking of international humanitarian law in the middle of an armed conflict.

natural Actors focused through flat, mostly open, framing the spot looking horror experienced by adults passing day, that require no manipulation by the excellent performance of the same, these three children-that seem appropriate for a Benetton commercial, fed into the skin to be diverted from sentimentality, poked up the smallest broker and settled there knowing that someday they may move freely through the territory Colombia.

A balanced pool of actions confirm the presence of a sublime directing actors through the lens of Arbelaez, together with a photograph that stands out so exquisite natural wealth of the country with a dash simplistic in that it does not risk to go beyond what is necessary but ultimately fully meets the objective of its director: show a side of the conflict through childhood innocence. Scene

not to miss: All.

My recommendation: Apuéstele the Colombian film this time and not regret it.


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