Sunday, January 9, 2011

Price For Babylock Grace Sewing Machine

Competency Management. Intellectual capital management in

Written by: Dina Sznirer and José María Caracho


The results-oriented company is not a fad, it has not replaced the customer-oriented company and a passion for excellence, not has replaced strategic planning or policy of differentiation and positioning of marketing, or any other concept originated from the industrial era to today, it has simply been replaced on the table the ultimate objective of any business organization: achieving economic performance. Associate
the company's results-oriented management for results: how firms organize, direct and manage their resources to achieve these results, in an environment which has been called the "information age", ie a market characterized by the large number information available to consumers via the Internet-led information technology.
Enticed by the fads and the need to populate his speech with the words of the great gurus, corporate executives repeat ad nauseam that his company's greatest asset is its intellectual capital, as this concept appears as the only viable response the challenge of a changing environment not only unpredictable but why not virtual.
may sound too apocalyptic Negroponte when he says that "any company that does not have the capacity to generate intellectual capital can not even appear in the phone book of 2003", but how many years we could postpone the date to reassure, 2005, 2007? If we accept that the most important asset of a company is its intellectual capital, then management becomes more pressing imperative for managers who must get results based on it.
Intellectual Capital, as its predecessor Thomas Stewart, "is the sum of all knowledge of all employees a company that give it a competitive edge. "managers therefore need to identify the producers of this capital within your company, encourage them to share and then manage it.
Of the countless tools proposed to carry out the management of Capital Intellectual one has emerged as the most powerful and effective: The Competence Management. Not because of their simplicity and appeal, or by good marketing that has mounted on it, but simply because it is the only management tool which has so far served to identify and manage intellectual capital and economic performance has occurred.

Competency Management to identify who produces knowledge, how they do it and, above all, what they do with them. Therefore it is necessary to make a first clarification: knowledge is not information, but the product of information processing that makes the human brain. However, if we reduced this knowledge only intelligent information processing, lose sight of the most important aspect of it: knowledge is the guide, the map allows us to act on the reality from a particular perspective.
In this way, generate intellectual capital involves both process information intelligently, and act in the world from a new perspective. People not only
think, but also act, and to act when they produce results. They need certain attitudes and motivations that lead them to want to do something with their knowledge and to be able to possess or develop skills that allow you to produce results from the knowledge they generate. Just try it
skills, knowledge, skills, attitudes and motivations that allow a person to act to achieve certain results.
When a person has the skills that allow you to achieve outstanding results in the current jargon is called "Talent." So before going on to explain how it carries out a skills management will be clear what we mean when we say someone is talented.
A Intellectual Capital generators are known as Talent. Talents or Top Performers are those who produce outstanding results, those who differ from the rest of the people who occupy the same role within an organization.
The myth, or common mistake is to consider that talents are those who generate the big ideas they gain popularity or those who for one reason or another manage to have "good news" in the market. But talent does not necessarily becomes visible outside the company, often, perhaps most of the time, talent is distributed throughout the entire organization in various positions within it.
When asked the director of a company how it manages to stay in this hypercompetitive market, achieving good business results, usually respond that it is a flexible, shared vision, teamwork, and great capacity for innovation.

If the director responded really say: "Our success lies in my ability to convey to people a vision, the Chief Operating Officer, who can interpret my ideas and implement them in the head of Human Resources, who knows how we motivate and reward people in one of my vendors, who manages to build long-term relationships term customer in one of our developers, who always has an eye on the market to improve our products, our Accounting Analyst, who manages the money as if it were their own heritage, etc. ".

These key people on which rests the success of a business are the talents, and basically are those capable of doing, with the same information to everyone, something different. Usually this relates innovation with some cliché as leadership roles and strategic planning. However a company that only has talent in these areas will not necessarily be successful. If they only would need to hire outside talent for these roles and success would be guaranteed.
In reality, successful companies have talented employees distributed across all roles, from senior management to the plant workers. Identify these people, understand what they do and how they do generate some information about the company's intellectual capital that can effectively manage that information are the "powers" that people of outstanding performance, and talent displayed in their daily work.

by Skills
Assuming that development management in an organization should be routed to acquire and develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to produce business results, we identified three basic objectives for the implementation of skills management model:
1. Align personal development with strategic business objectives.
2. Define "success behaviors" that are required for each position.
3. Determine which is the gap between current performance and required according to the strategic orientation of the company.
successful behaviors constitute the support on which to build skills as it is from the way the talents or people of outstanding performance, carry out their tasks, which we interpret what underlying characteristics these behaviors, what knowledge comes into play, what skills you developed, what attitude accompanies these actions and what moves to take action.
is with this view that "disarm" the behaviors of successful people to understand that they are made and identify the behaviors that distinguish people who exhibit superior performance with respect to average performance. Called "Skills" to these behaviors of success.
Define competencies for organizations has two strategic functions:

4. Let's focus on individual and group behaviors that breed success.
5. Provide consistent criteria and integrators, translating the characteristics of the descriptors Talent objectives that can be communicated and subsequently used to evaluate, select, develop and reward people.
The technique Events Behavioral Interview (Critical Incident Interviews) allows us to understand how people actually do things. This focus is exactly where it is not what someone says and what he actually did. In order to define the critical competencies of a position we need to know as much as possible how someone did something.
When we trace how a salesperson managed to build a long term relationship with transforming client's strategic partner, probably find that understood the needs of the client, even if he has not explained, identified key success factors of the client's business, anticipated risks and critical factors, found solutions to problems not covered yet, took calculated business risks, trends identified, defined action strategies from a detailed analysis of future scenarios, assumed personal responsibility for results, etc., each of these actions required a certain way of processing information, ie, cognitive skills, the interpersonal skills to build certain relationships, ability to persuade and influence ability to know when and how to take risks, and so on.
Our organizational experience, this technique has allowed us to see significant differences between successful people and another that exhibited an average job. The following describes some of these differences.
We must not forget that the skills management model is basically a tool for the management of Intellectual Capital, so that should provide development activities that focus on improving performance, achieving a response effective in terms of results. Once defined
critical competencies for all positions company, it is necessary to relieve the degree of acquisition of these people have. The process is described below:

1. To survey the level of skills and competencies of each member of the company to determine the distance between your current and required performance.
2. Report the results.
3. Guide their development.
4. Transfer methodology.
Deciding which strategies are most appropriate to develop a competitive environment, is a thorough understanding of the nature of human behavior, how to promote change and, above all, how to promote significant learning.
To summarize, we point the steps for implementing Competency Management:
1. Defining Vision, Mission and Values \u200b\u200bof the company.
2. Definition of strategic objectives.
3. Definition of "core competencies" or core competencies, ie those competencies that people must develop to work in that company. Sample core competencies are: adaptability to change, customer focus, integrity, teamwork, achievement orientation, analytical thinking - conceptual.

4. Definition of competency profiles for each position.

5. Establishment of the performance gap or gap performance "individual and group.
6. Detection development needs.
7. Design and implementation of development actions.

Competency management is a powerful and effective tool for integrating the tasks and programs for human capital management. This is an organizational development that helps people, teams and organizations achieve extraordinary results.

Discuss results orientation, does not involve the budget or achieve normal results that any firm could earn in economic activity and market in which it operates, but the extraordinary, such that individuals, teams and companies looking to push the average standard are able to obtain.

complete train professionals
The origin of skills back to the '70s in the U.S., where industrial and organizational psychology began to demonstrate through studies that the qualifications and merits achieved by the people were not sufficient to ensure superior performance and get more and better results. Despite the widespread use and is taking the "Competency management model" goes back to the beginning of the decade of the '90s.
Competition in the context of developing the human and organizational capital is the set of knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors that a person needs to have a successful performance in their jobs.
is, we mean not only a person but also know you want and can be successful in carrying out their duties. The concept of competence, clearly meets these three key success factors.
If a person has the qualities and skills necessary to establish that he knows, but is unwilling or unable to provide all its energy, passion and commitment to achieve extraordinary results, we know what the outcome of its management. Specific needs

A careful study of the skills the position requires, and hence that each person has predominantly generated from the process of selecting a necessary and important, not enough to implement a model of successful management skills.
This is a "necessary condition, not enough", because the model of management skills must be applied also in the process of analysis and job descriptions, performance evaluation, assessment of potential, training and development of employees and also payment systems, creating a fully integrated model and embedded in business strategy.

The Gap
The Gap or gaps between the skills required for employment and those with or provide people is ultimately the key and central task of all human resource professional, where we need to focus with absolute precision so that there this difference can be minimized or at least can thus implement effective and numerous tools and development techniques that are available.
One of the most significant contributions of a skills management program is that it favors a systemic process of aligning the goals of each person in the team and ultimately to the organization, performing the mission, vision and corporate values \u200b\u200bas a column vertebral an integrated model. Levels of competence

There are three levels of skills needed to set up for those who lead the organization and must participate in its design, which will determine not only the success of the program but also the alignment. These three levels are:
1. Core competencies or core competencies. Common to all posts in the organization.
2. Functional compétences or functional skills. Of each department, section of the organization.
3. Role compétences. That is, each job requires specifically. The theoretical model
How? The choice of the skills arises analysis, study and work in conjunction with the top management of the organization from identifying not only the mission, business vision but also the values \u200b\u200band core aspects of corporate culture (which is to be preserved or even modify).
then works incorporating departmental levels to reach the second level above. And finally, expanding the program committee member of management skills, we reach the third level.
When? It requires that top management is strongly committed and know the fundamentals and skills required of a model. Not recommended to address a program of this nature if it is not strong commitment and resolve to sustain it.

Why? To help that people can, want to know and achieve better results, professionalizing the management and career programs, analysis and job descriptions, development, training, performance evaluation and compensation. Dictionary

powers must have a precise and objective description of the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors that the company expects its employees to achieve in each event defined.

In turn, each event has a certain amount of degrees (usually five) where each one describes in detail the knowledge skills and attitudes of each grade, minimizing the level of subjectivity in relation to other means of assessment or decision. It should be mentioned that the competition described graduation from a degree of excellence at its opposite end. Mock

Pilot test of the model to implement can be a good start. It is advisable to start in the commercial, operations, sales or production and that while all areas of an organization operate interrelated over time and with a common purpose, which I mentioned are unique in that the indicators of labor productivity may be measured to determine if the test was successful or requires adjustment before deploying it in droves.
A management model for results-oriented skills working as an effective and comprehensive tool in the management of human capital and pursues a clear objective: more and better results.


This is a simplified guide to Results Based Management (RBM)

What is GPR?

is defining realistic expected results, based on proper analysis.

is the precise identification of the beneficiaries of projects and preparation of projects that meet the needs of the beneficiaries. It

monitoring, based on appropriate indicators of progress towards the achievement of expected results making efficient use of resources that are available.

is the identification and management of risks, taking into account the expected results and resources required.

is to improve the knowledge from lessons learned and integrating these lessons learned in the decision-making processes.

What's new in GPR?

puts emphasis on achieving short-term results, without neglecting the long term, and favors the concrete.

puts emphasis on planning and participation of different actors at various stages of planning, implementing and maintaining and reporting on results, strengthening the concept of membership.

is inserted into a strategic framework and is the general rule that a project is a step towards long-term results.

What are the principles of the GPR?

Simplicity: easy to understand and apply

Rigor: strict application of the meaning of terminology

You learn on the fly: is improved as they gain experience.

Responsibility: to contribute to the different project actors assume their responsibility in achieving of the results (of changes), using resources effectively.

Transparency: to inform in a clear, accurate and concise results, hiding the reality and undisguised situations.

What terminology is used in the GPR?

Result: a quantitative or qualitative changes occurring in a project, a cause and effect.

product level results (or partial) are the immediate results, visible and concrete that are obtained during the execution of the project and contribute, as a logical consequence of project activities, to achieve the final result.

effect level results (Or final) is the result obtained at the time the project ends. Equivalent to the project purpose, and by its very definition, can not be more than one result at this level.

Results at impact (or long term) are the results obtained some time after project completion.

(It is not necessary that the logical frameworks of the projects submitted to the Canada Fund for Peruvian Education at identify a result of impact)

Risk is the probability of a critical condition that can prevent the achievement of expected results

What is performance measurement in GPR?

action is to measure and monitor the progress of the project, to monitor the key activities of the same by applying previously defined the following instruments:

indicators: they are a way to measure the results achieved are the instruments they describe, in quantitative or qualitative change achieved or to be achieved over time. Can be measured, rates of return (increases, decreases), comparisons between dates or conditions, facts, opinions, etc.. Must be the result of mutual agreement at the beginning of the project must be measurable, participatory, simple and accessible and relevant. Can be quantitative (number, frequency,% of, rate, difference, etc..) or qualitative (capacity, quality, level, presence, perception, etc.)..

Baseline: A benchmark to measure change over time, the initial starting point from which an indicator is defined, gives the baseline for measuring progress. Must be reliable and easy to obtain. It is necessary to collect baseline data in the design phase of the project to understand the situation before starting the activities.

Meta: The value of an indicator that aims to achieve. Corresponds to the expected result. There may be partial goals and final goals depending on the stages of measurement.

Means of verification: are the ways how they are measured indicators and information sources.

What should be avoided in managing for results?

Unclear objectives  

unclear links between different levels of results

 Selection of results and indicators unrealistic

 Prevalence of quantitative

Few risks and mitigation strategies


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