Tuesday, January 11, 2011

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critical literacy: New reading skills for information society

The "critical literacy" aims to educate readers in the context of the information society (and knowledge) that in addition to knowing decode, interpret a code, show semantic and pragmatic competence, ie communication, know play a critical role in identifying the views or analyst , values, interests of the text in line with the current critical discourse analysis - ACD - ([1]). A critical reader should or could be recognized in a speech or language production, at least, the author's purpose, genre or discursive mode, ambiguity, connotation, and irony, the voices used, the strength and viability los argumentos, los discursos previos, el perfil del lector y la identidad del autor.
Aquí los dejo con un video de Daniel Cassany professor titular d'Anàlisi del Discurs en llengua catalana a la Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona en el que se refiere a este concepto, la influencia de las TIC y el contexto de la lectura en Internet en una sociedad de la información.


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