Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fibroids Ear Pressure

bet on reciprocity in love sometimes be as absurd as winning the lottery. Pretend that this feeling or will, or however you want to call, to be present for a certain time without the union is going to transform sounds crazy.

All beings are constantly changing. Which essentially are the same, true, but the many circumstances that surround us every day, we modify behavior, emotions, and others. Blue Valentine
is betting that, precisely. As a person may not be the same in a few years, the love between this and his partner, is being transformed. Sometimes able to adapt, sometimes not.

This is the case in which love is not adapted.

Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams almost quixotic undertaking work. Two hours in the air keep the viewer through dialogue. And make it out this wonderfully airy. For someone who appreciates acting and its infinite forms it will be a feast of visual expression.

Despite the harshness of her scenes, Gosling will introduce the film some much needed respite, and already seems to be a worthy successor to Ralph Phiennes, which monopolize the attention of females. A true romantic lover, obsessively. Another reason with which they can enjoy.

And its director, Derek Cianfrance makes use of intermittent flashbacks to tell the beginning and end, precisely because it is so difficult viewing, it is necessary to try to "streamline" a little, however, observe changes between before and after makes intermittently feel the degradation of the relationship that goes from the sweetest to the most bitter.

A crude drama postmodern times the love that is worth seeing for the brilliant performances of Gosling and Williams.

scene not to miss: The motel blue.

My recommendation: In an era of digital effects, this film may not have the approval of the common viewer. If you're one of those, do yourself a favor and refrain from viewing.


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