Friday, December 17, 2010

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In is currently conducting a fundamental revolution in the natural sciences. The way scientists understand and explain how the world has turned around 180 degrees. Earlier, mainly explained by the order and regularity. For them, everything was a set of systems moving in a predictable, ordered in advance according to deterministic natural laws, under which causes effects ordered ordered produced. Now, however, emphasize the creative role played by the disorder and irregularity. They see the world as a set of self-organizing systems, whose operation is sudden and unpredictable consequences. There are still deterministic natural laws, but is considered to operate in a circular manner in which the disorder leads to order and order to disorder. The simple view of the world gives way to another, essentially complex and paradoxical.
This new science has been called nonlinear dynamics, or complexity theory, and the aspect that has attracted public attention is what is called chaos theory.
is within this paradigm that is beginning to study organizations, which delivers intersante considerations and strategies .... Without further preamble
share the direction in which you can download the book : Complexity and Chaos Guide For XXI Century Management Alfonso Cornejo Alvarez.
Enjoy it and confused ....


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