As a PLE (personal learning environment) with learning Symbaloo
Symbaloo is a website that provides us with a configurable desktop we can use as your default homepage of your browser. The window is a grid that by default are a number of areas with the same color tables, which are grouped links to search engines and web services (green query, travel in blue, red multimedia, office brown yellow rose for leisure and commerce). We can add, edit or delete any of the links and create new links and news desks.
Its use is simple, just have to click on the icon you want and in the central area search box appears, the heads of our subscription rss.
In the context of my research work PLE community development through ellg (in an e-learning model is 2.0, and learning communities) I found this application that I believe that while no research is aimed at my home, can have many applications such as PLE. Here is a very good tutorial about
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Cheat Pokemon Light Platinum Gba
Schools: A fifth discipline handbook for educators
In several presentations on the paradigm of learning organizations I referred to the book: The Fifth Discipline Peter Senge, now I leave this link for a book geared toward school learning, a topic a few weeks ago I was talking with teachers from two schools in which makes a seminar. I think that they and many teachers you might be interested ...
In several presentations on the paradigm of learning organizations I referred to the book: The Fifth Discipline Peter Senge, now I leave this link for a book geared toward school learning, a topic a few weeks ago I was talking with teachers from two schools in which makes a seminar. I think that they and many teachers you might be interested ...
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Mysore Mallige Online Watch Free
Do we know the knowledge we teach? Interview
The ironic title of this text appears in the context of discussions for some time that come to mind to knowledge and transmission in an increasingly globalized and connected through operant technology. And is that while the transmission of knowledge is an act that transcends pedagogy concerning the teaching and instruction and inserted into the social and cultural wisdom to pass on existing, this process has historically been generated in a single direction can manifest in its highest expression in the master and apprentice relationship. This dialectic relationship was consensual relationship based on reciprocity of the intentionality of an educational act of wisdom (knowledge) and ignorance of the apprentice teacher (1) (to know). In this context, knowledge has always then flowed into a single direction, which has structured settings and institutionalization of organizations that are dedicated to the transmission of this, so for example we see that the current notion of the concept of school (not semantic origin) is related to the concept of scholastic (2), theological and philosophical movement that attempted classical Greco-Roman philosophy used to understand the religious revelation of Christianity in a context where the principal was known to transmit religious, ie through which it was determined that knowledge should be transmitted to students. So many years in charge of teaching our institutions have been able to guide the course of his teachings as the slope was always going to one side. But the last few years, something began to change, first manifested itself as a technological innovation that was projected with multiple applications and potential for modern life (first in the military, then civilian) the point is that the emergence of internet and access to tons of information unleashed the first great movement in the realm of certainty: the existing information is duplicated exponentially in millions of sites and digital spaces at once, so before this avalanche of data should be aware navigate this ocean of information, not only that, the institutions responsible for training should be understood that these times fit together and enter the digital era of knowledge phenomenon and then became obvious structure and needed to be part of them, or software or hardware, software or iron, it is important to be there and make institutional presence There is then an interesting question to resolve, under what paradigms understand what is happening?, easy on what we know and are familiar to us, certainty is needed and gives us stability, then generate a computer Scholastic, a single message same sense, Web 1.0 welcome. So this revolution was not as chaotic as some expected, others recalled that something similar happened when he appeared on television and thought that their addition to the teaching and learning would mark a before and after, as though nothing serious had happened, teachers of various educational institutions (school or higher public or private) would be exchanged for a CD-ROM (His wisdom does not fit in so few megs and had not yet invented the DVD or Blue ray least), but we must be fair, something changed, or rather there emerged a new form of teaching and learning, electronic learning, e-learning that sought to combine the potential of an emerging multimedia teaching methodologies and curriculum planning exist, then welcome to this story instructional design applied to the TV training, but .. Where and how do we do this, easy learning platform designed for it (something grandparents and the traditional LMS as Moodle, Dockeos, e-training, etc), the result, the emergence of a vibrant and innovative industry that broke the barriers of time and space to reach more students with their training programs. Since then, little by little the higher education institutions began to realize that a door had been opened to create new educational products to sell (remember that under this axiom, knowledge is power and power is sold) then broke barriers time and space and now these virtual classrooms can accommodate 300 or more students, because the physical space is no longer an obstacle, the business is in sight more students in one course, and reflection " epistemological? well thanks, we just have to emulate through learning platforms and school model that already is known.
But unlike educational television, something happened, Web development did not stop there, and emerged a new revolution, a concept of directionality of information, called social web 2.0 you tube quickly echoed in society is eager to know, which combines information and knowledge to shape the knowledge society, then the chaos now becomes part of our reality computing and entropy in this context the only certainty is uncertainty with which we look at a future constantly emerging and multidimensional, and not enough talk of master and apprentice, we speak of learning ecologies in which students (all of us) we generate a personal learning surroundings through the network, generate knowledge and share it democratically, openly, pages and kings, academic or trivial, the matter is that everyone has the freedom to choose what you want, then come new responsibilities: we know now not only sail the ocean, we must learn to fish in it and not wreck. What about the epistemological and pedagogical considerations?, Where are they? What are they doing the study centers about it? ... little except to see that there are more potential in multimedia format and communication channels, the teaching remains the same, except that now generated with concern, the enemy to destroy is not the television or CD and Blue Ray (and invented) are the same students all network users who have had the courage to change the rules of the game supported by the software of the social Web, born under this new philosophy to be producers and consumers, then it affects the ecological balance of industry knowledge, but only a few have realized this, others, more or become aware or pretend not to (the change has always been resisted) a year ago Inma Tubella, chancellor of the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) wrote a column in the newspaper El Pais in Spain, which I call: "The teachers at the time the name of the Rose" (referring to the remarkable book by Hubert Eco) in that document noted that " university has lost the monopoly of knowledge, teachers now have two alternatives, or poison keyboard of computers for our students with the hope that still suck their thumbs, or we take our new and exciting role of experienced mentors and accompanying methodology, more concerned with teaching them to manage and make available knowledge and develop their ability to teach critical to memorize a knowledge as if they were a single truth. " However, few have understood the importance of this reflection and worse training institutions have not done much about it, both to train and / or teachers to upgrade the knowledge society and the emergence of digital natives in the classroom, much less to incorporate this thinking into their plans for television e-learning training and that the universality of universities has gradually been losing (at least in Chile) the colleges have become business centers ( which is not necessarily bad per se) where the infrastructure in many schools has improved significantly (to attract more students) paths have been provided with computer labs and wireless connections but the method of teaching remains the same, the old, nineteenth century as Sir Ken Robinson says he was made one day passing through our country delivering his thoughts always useful to gamers as and lover of technology I wanted to hear after seeing both cellular and connects console working in 2010, and it shows how seriously we take things we talked about knowledge management and do little or nothing to promote them, we talk about intelligence collective know what you know the one on my side, universities talk about pluralism and modernity and under these concepts consider that sufficient allow extensions and piercings of their students or make an account on facebook or twitter to tell students the new courses that opened and convenient tariffs, while teachers look ¡¡¡¡¡ terrified that student who opens his laptop and classes begin to complement the art that the solemn dictates. If businesses see the picture does not change much, we talk about managemenet 2.0 but the staff (or partners) have blocked access to any program that sounds to avoid social web to chat, upload photos, read the newspaper, watch videos and share with other people, so we do little to facilitate the flow of knowledge, we resist change complex and branded those who want change, but disagree with everything, if anything I acurdo is that it is a complex time, uncertain and chaotic, we face a networked society and economy that puts us as teachers face a new role and approaches to learning, these new approaches imply some new skills that I believe are not only technological, involving essentially cognitive development in ourselves and our students (we must learn to grasp the useful information, process it, make knowledge and share), the emotion is not free, we must build networks, connect emotions, this bit is not just learning network, the task is complex, true, but I certainly believe in a phrase I read recently in a blog "Learning to live in chaos does not mean learning to control it or predict it. On the contrary (...) are part of the chaos, we can not be considered as separate elements. "
is why more and now I finish these lines I'm asking the same questions, but more aimed at the study centers in which the deposit is expected to know: What knowledge of knowledge? and how do you expect to teach in the XXI century?
(1) From the Latin know not - "no negative knowledge from the root gno-de (g) noscere -" know "and often understood in general as lack of knowledge.
(2) From Latin scholasticus, and this in turn from Greek σχολαστικός [that which belongs to the school]

The ironic title of this text appears in the context of discussions for some time that come to mind to knowledge and transmission in an increasingly globalized and connected through operant technology. And is that while the transmission of knowledge is an act that transcends pedagogy concerning the teaching and instruction and inserted into the social and cultural wisdom to pass on existing, this process has historically been generated in a single direction can manifest in its highest expression in the master and apprentice relationship. This dialectic relationship was consensual relationship based on reciprocity of the intentionality of an educational act of wisdom (knowledge) and ignorance of the apprentice teacher (1) (to know). In this context, knowledge has always then flowed into a single direction, which has structured settings and institutionalization of organizations that are dedicated to the transmission of this, so for example we see that the current notion of the concept of school (not semantic origin) is related to the concept of scholastic (2), theological and philosophical movement that attempted classical Greco-Roman philosophy used to understand the religious revelation of Christianity in a context where the principal was known to transmit religious, ie through which it was determined that knowledge should be transmitted to students. So many years in charge of teaching our institutions have been able to guide the course of his teachings as the slope was always going to one side. But the last few years, something began to change, first manifested itself as a technological innovation that was projected with multiple applications and potential for modern life (first in the military, then civilian) the point is that the emergence of internet and access to tons of information unleashed the first great movement in the realm of certainty: the existing information is duplicated exponentially in millions of sites and digital spaces at once, so before this avalanche of data should be aware navigate this ocean of information, not only that, the institutions responsible for training should be understood that these times fit together and enter the digital era of knowledge phenomenon and then became obvious structure and needed to be part of them, or software or hardware, software or iron, it is important to be there and make institutional presence There is then an interesting question to resolve, under what paradigms understand what is happening?, easy on what we know and are familiar to us, certainty is needed and gives us stability, then generate a computer Scholastic, a single message same sense, Web 1.0 welcome. So this revolution was not as chaotic as some expected, others recalled that something similar happened when he appeared on television and thought that their addition to the teaching and learning would mark a before and after, as though nothing serious had happened, teachers of various educational institutions (school or higher public or private) would be exchanged for a CD-ROM (His wisdom does not fit in so few megs and had not yet invented the DVD or Blue ray least), but we must be fair, something changed, or rather there emerged a new form of teaching and learning, electronic learning, e-learning that sought to combine the potential of an emerging multimedia teaching methodologies and curriculum planning exist, then welcome to this story instructional design applied to the TV training, but .. Where and how do we do this, easy learning platform designed for it (something grandparents and the traditional LMS as Moodle, Dockeos, e-training, etc), the result, the emergence of a vibrant and innovative industry that broke the barriers of time and space to reach more students with their training programs. Since then, little by little the higher education institutions began to realize that a door had been opened to create new educational products to sell (remember that under this axiom, knowledge is power and power is sold) then broke barriers time and space and now these virtual classrooms can accommodate 300 or more students, because the physical space is no longer an obstacle, the business is in sight more students in one course, and reflection " epistemological? well thanks, we just have to emulate through learning platforms and school model that already is known.
But unlike educational television, something happened, Web development did not stop there, and emerged a new revolution, a concept of directionality of information, called social web 2.0 you tube quickly echoed in society is eager to know, which combines information and knowledge to shape the knowledge society, then the chaos now becomes part of our reality computing and entropy in this context the only certainty is uncertainty with which we look at a future constantly emerging and multidimensional, and not enough talk of master and apprentice, we speak of learning ecologies in which students (all of us) we generate a personal learning surroundings through the network, generate knowledge and share it democratically, openly, pages and kings, academic or trivial, the matter is that everyone has the freedom to choose what you want, then come new responsibilities: we know now not only sail the ocean, we must learn to fish in it and not wreck. What about the epistemological and pedagogical considerations?, Where are they? What are they doing the study centers about it? ... little except to see that there are more potential in multimedia format and communication channels, the teaching remains the same, except that now generated with concern, the enemy to destroy is not the television or CD and Blue Ray (and invented) are the same students all network users who have had the courage to change the rules of the game supported by the software of the social Web, born under this new philosophy to be producers and consumers, then it affects the ecological balance of industry knowledge, but only a few have realized this, others, more or become aware or pretend not to (the change has always been resisted) a year ago Inma Tubella, chancellor of the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) wrote a column in the newspaper El Pais in Spain, which I call: "The teachers at the time the name of the Rose" (referring to the remarkable book by Hubert Eco) in that document noted that " university has lost the monopoly of knowledge, teachers now have two alternatives, or poison keyboard of computers for our students with the hope that still suck their thumbs, or we take our new and exciting role of experienced mentors and accompanying methodology, more concerned with teaching them to manage and make available knowledge and develop their ability to teach critical to memorize a knowledge as if they were a single truth. " However, few have understood the importance of this reflection and worse training institutions have not done much about it, both to train and / or teachers to upgrade the knowledge society and the emergence of digital natives in the classroom, much less to incorporate this thinking into their plans for television e-learning training and that the universality of universities has gradually been losing (at least in Chile) the colleges have become business centers ( which is not necessarily bad per se) where the infrastructure in many schools has improved significantly (to attract more students) paths have been provided with computer labs and wireless connections but the method of teaching remains the same, the old, nineteenth century as Sir Ken Robinson says he was made one day passing through our country delivering his thoughts always useful to gamers as and lover of technology I wanted to hear after seeing both cellular and connects console working in 2010, and it shows how seriously we take things we talked about knowledge management and do little or nothing to promote them, we talk about intelligence collective know what you know the one on my side, universities talk about pluralism and modernity and under these concepts consider that sufficient allow extensions and piercings of their students or make an account on facebook or twitter to tell students the new courses that opened and convenient tariffs, while teachers look ¡¡¡¡¡ terrified that student who opens his laptop and classes begin to complement the art that the solemn dictates. If businesses see the picture does not change much, we talk about managemenet 2.0 but the staff (or partners) have blocked access to any program that sounds to avoid social web to chat, upload photos, read the newspaper, watch videos and share with other people, so we do little to facilitate the flow of knowledge, we resist change complex and branded those who want change, but disagree with everything, if anything I acurdo is that it is a complex time, uncertain and chaotic, we face a networked society and economy that puts us as teachers face a new role and approaches to learning, these new approaches imply some new skills that I believe are not only technological, involving essentially cognitive development in ourselves and our students (we must learn to grasp the useful information, process it, make knowledge and share), the emotion is not free, we must build networks, connect emotions, this bit is not just learning network, the task is complex, true, but I certainly believe in a phrase I read recently in a blog "Learning to live in chaos does not mean learning to control it or predict it. On the contrary (...) are part of the chaos, we can not be considered as separate elements. "
is why more and now I finish these lines I'm asking the same questions, but more aimed at the study centers in which the deposit is expected to know: What knowledge of knowledge? and how do you expect to teach in the XXI century?
(1) From the Latin know not - "no negative knowledge from the root gno-de (g) noscere -" know "and often understood in general as lack of knowledge.
(2) From Latin scholasticus, and this in turn from Greek σχολαστικός [that which belongs to the school]
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Blue Shirt With Black Tie
Jordi Adell (UJI): Web 2.0, school 2.0 ...
a couple of years ago I saw an interview with Jordi Adell where noted that Web 2.0 would come to classrooms, or did the hands of teachers or reached the hands of the students with the same clarity and vision I leave this interview about Web 2.0 and School 2.0. As always interesting and enlightening
a couple of years ago I saw an interview with Jordi Adell where noted that Web 2.0 would come to classrooms, or did the hands of teachers or reached the hands of the students with the same clarity and vision I leave this interview about Web 2.0 and School 2.0. As always interesting and enlightening
Monday, December 20, 2010
Acrostics Poem For Summer
Finding a gem like this in the Hollywood film is truly unusual, as unusual as it is, I still do not fully digest.
and find a character like Nina in the hands of a director like Darren Aronofsky seems even more exquisite. Aronofsky flag raising that capacity to a level professedly artistic sublime sorrows and anxieties of the most grotesque human being.
And this is how the director who was in his hands both the cult film, "Requiem for a Dream" as "The Wrestler", we entered the world of ballet. And we show more than the glamorous, but the simplicity may see an x \u200b\u200bnumber of dancers "jump and tricks", invites us to go behind the scenes, and entered into the skin of the lead dancer.
And perhaps fragility of Nina (Natalie Portman) hinders the possibility of becoming the black swan, and his teacher, (Vincent Cassel) is the point of vehemently to create you a deep psychosis, and the emergence of a love-hate relationship between both of which it is very difficult if not impossible to discard. And maybe that playing the seduction of his master, as his obsession to become the star of the ballet corps carried beyond the thin line between sanity and profound hallucinations.
The most excellent quality of the film lies in the recurring symbols. Start with the art direction. Positioning the duality of black and white to represent Odette and Odile, red lipstick stolen, required to enter the game of seduction, a skin rash , reflecting a gradual transformation towards the black swan Nina, and others not mention.
An acute emotional fork awaits Nina, which satisfy both herself, and her mother and teacher, he assumes too much confusion between the two sides of herself. The snowy and dark. Because they represent the two sides of the coin for many of you may represent a challenge and for others a simple wake of being.
shines technical composition Through cinema verite that we saw in the seal of his director in "The Wrestler" shoulder cameras sought by both Nina and the teacher, the ballet corps everywhere are needed to provide a more intimate relationship with the viewer, will with a musical composition is not widely or needs to be, precisely because it is intended that the repetition of the Russian ballet "Swan Lake" and other little anxiety Nina reflect the pursuit of perfection of their role.
A psychosexual thriller that spreads the exquisite agony that his character experiences, and that goes in crescendo as you go through time Aronofsky's lens. With superb performances by Vincent Cassel and Portman, Cassel find a character with a rich exploratory, and we appreciate it as a mask of many colors, it does not seem to take efforts to become a ruthless and irresistible seducer Master in seconds .
is likely to drag the Golden Globes, also hope you get to the Oscars, which surely will. Scene
Non lost : Absolutely all. Special mention for the conversion of Nina to the black swan.
My recommendation: not miss this exquisite piece art.

I think it's the first time I have an intellectual orgasm after seeing a film. I had happened before with some special books, which speak one day but not today. Certainly not today.
Finding a gem like this in the Hollywood film is truly unusual, as unusual as it is, I still do not fully digest.

and find a character like Nina in the hands of a director like Darren Aronofsky seems even more exquisite. Aronofsky flag raising that capacity to a level professedly artistic sublime sorrows and anxieties of the most grotesque human being.

And perhaps fragility of Nina (Natalie Portman) hinders the possibility of becoming the black swan, and his teacher, (Vincent Cassel) is the point of vehemently to create you a deep psychosis, and the emergence of a love-hate relationship between both of which it is very difficult if not impossible to discard. And maybe that playing the seduction of his master, as his obsession to become the star of the ballet corps carried beyond the thin line between sanity and profound hallucinations.

An acute emotional fork awaits Nina, which satisfy both herself, and her mother and teacher, he assumes too much confusion between the two sides of herself. The snowy and dark. Because they represent the two sides of the coin for many of you may represent a challenge and for others a simple wake of being.
shines technical composition Through cinema verite that we saw in the seal of his director in "The Wrestler" shoulder cameras sought by both Nina and the teacher, the ballet corps everywhere are needed to provide a more intimate relationship with the viewer, will with a musical composition is not widely or needs to be, precisely because it is intended that the repetition of the Russian ballet "Swan Lake" and other little anxiety Nina reflect the pursuit of perfection of their role.

A psychosexual thriller that spreads the exquisite agony that his character experiences, and that goes in crescendo as you go through time Aronofsky's lens. With superb performances by Vincent Cassel and Portman, Cassel find a character with a rich exploratory, and we appreciate it as a mask of many colors, it does not seem to take efforts to become a ruthless and irresistible seducer Master in seconds .
is likely to drag the Golden Globes, also hope you get to the Oscars, which surely will. Scene
Non lost : Absolutely all. Special mention for the conversion of Nina to the black swan.
My recommendation: not miss this exquisite piece art.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Linsey Dawn Still Moddeling?
Ken Robinson at TED 2010
While waiting here in Chile that network provides us with some video of Sir Ken Robinson and his time in Chile at Connect 2010, here are the second part (as noted) of their intervention at TED 2010. It has been four years since the school argue that kills the creativity of the students now
Robinson argues that humanity is facing two major crises: the climate crisis and a crisis of human resources. Our talents are developed not only in its potential, but is even more serious: many people spend their lives without having discovered his talent, not knowing what they're good.
While waiting here in Chile that network provides us with some video of Sir Ken Robinson and his time in Chile at Connect 2010, here are the second part (as noted) of their intervention at TED 2010. It has been four years since the school argue that kills the creativity of the students now
Robinson argues that humanity is facing two major crises: the climate crisis and a crisis of human resources. Our talents are developed not only in its potential, but is even more serious: many people spend their lives without having discovered his talent, not knowing what they're good.
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Chaos Management ROI Calculator
In is currently conducting a fundamental revolution in the natural sciences. The way scientists understand and explain how the world has turned around 180 degrees. Earlier, mainly explained by the order and regularity. For them, everything was a set of systems moving in a predictable, ordered in advance according to deterministic natural laws, under which causes effects ordered ordered produced. Now, however, emphasize the creative role played by the disorder and irregularity. They see the world as a set of self-organizing systems, whose operation is sudden and unpredictable consequences. There are still deterministic natural laws, but is considered to operate in a circular manner in which the disorder leads to order and order to disorder. The simple view of the world gives way to another, essentially complex and paradoxical.
This new science has been called nonlinear dynamics, or complexity theory, and the aspect that has attracted public attention is what is called chaos theory.
is within this paradigm that is beginning to study organizations, which delivers intersante considerations and strategies .... Without further preamble
share the direction in which you can download the book : Complexity and Chaos Guide For XXI Century Management Alfonso Cornejo Alvarez.
Enjoy it and confused ....
In is currently conducting a fundamental revolution in the natural sciences. The way scientists understand and explain how the world has turned around 180 degrees. Earlier, mainly explained by the order and regularity. For them, everything was a set of systems moving in a predictable, ordered in advance according to deterministic natural laws, under which causes effects ordered ordered produced. Now, however, emphasize the creative role played by the disorder and irregularity. They see the world as a set of self-organizing systems, whose operation is sudden and unpredictable consequences. There are still deterministic natural laws, but is considered to operate in a circular manner in which the disorder leads to order and order to disorder. The simple view of the world gives way to another, essentially complex and paradoxical.
This new science has been called nonlinear dynamics, or complexity theory, and the aspect that has attracted public attention is what is called chaos theory.
is within this paradigm that is beginning to study organizations, which delivers intersante considerations and strategies .... Without further preamble
share the direction in which you can download the book : Complexity and Chaos Guide For XXI Century Management Alfonso Cornejo Alvarez.
Enjoy it and confused ....
Can You Damage A Fetus By Deep Penetration

This blog presents several exhibitions relating to the issue of assessing the impact of training through ROI model.
now supplementing that information with this link to a site that allows on-line, based on the data we have to perform an ROI calculation.
Only you must click on the following link:
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Very rarely have I had the opportunity to meet the kind of man sullen, lonely, self-centered and aloof, and I felt an instant connection, pure and almost sickening. Like finding a reincarnation of James Dean in "Rebel Without a Cause" or Kevin Spacey in "American Beauty"-his loneliness was internal.
undoubtedly George Clooney also knows the impact this type of personality generated in the possibility of telling stories with great depth. We had already seen in "Up in the air" and perhaps this time looking for open field between the absurdities of Hollywood scripts that at times border on the absurd and continuous repetition seeking to deceive the common viewer, Clooney decided to embark on a story that knows more Europe, which gives wings to your character to find a priest and a prostitute the possibility of redemption and rebel against the system of which so far was a participant. Crime international organized.
A psychological thriller so leisurely scenes moments that invite total boredom, and absence of external action, but, as happens in these cases-with internal actions that invite us to know the main character, if not at least to love, to feel a deep-rooted compassion for a ruthless murderer in the twilight of his life searching finally redemption.
My recommendation: If you do not like films with a slowness that borders on absurd, this is not your choice.

"God is not interested in me, Father."
No doubt because the evidence alone puts the most difficult moments of being. No doubt because it feeds the call of a firm and devoted intellectuals.
undoubtedly George Clooney also knows the impact this type of personality generated in the possibility of telling stories with great depth. We had already seen in "Up in the air" and perhaps this time looking for open field between the absurdities of Hollywood scripts that at times border on the absurd and continuous repetition seeking to deceive the common viewer, Clooney decided to embark on a story that knows more Europe, which gives wings to your character to find a priest and a prostitute the possibility of redemption and rebel against the system of which so far was a participant. Crime international organized.
And we recognize to Italy, and there may be an evocation of classic songs like "The Godfather", where the main character who finds love in spite of exercising the world's oldest profession, is recognized as a soft and submissive women Italian recurring character of certain sexually explicit scenes do not bother.
A psychological thriller so leisurely scenes moments that invite total boredom, and absence of external action, but, as happens in these cases-with internal actions that invite us to know the main character, if not at least to love, to feel a deep-rooted compassion for a ruthless murderer in the twilight of his life searching finally redemption.
A movie that is not highly regarded by the common viewer, who will surely be lost in oblivion because it offers nothing more than the ability to display a more rugged and introspective performance from Clooney. Confirmed as the type of selection of stories when an actor wants to express to his audience "I am a lover." Scene
not to miss: The climax of the story.
not to miss: The climax of the story.
My recommendation: If you do not like films with a slowness that borders on absurd, this is not your choice.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Why Is My Lcd Tv Fuzzy Only When I Watch Tv
bodily cognition: towards a knowledge into action
ascend an article extracted here from the blog entirely Fernando Santamaría
curious thing anecdote is that today just chatted with a group of teachers about learning styles and how they could make relevant kinesthetic as Kinnet technologies, this morning was just a vagary, here with the text of Santamaria and more development context and theory.
Every day the roads of learning more interesting, complex and chaotic.
One of the scientific fields that will have to consider the new interfaces, since the HCI models are the new research about cognition corporeal (Embodied cognition, difficult to translate what we have here is raw thought and action throughout the body . The mind and body are unified in their actions. Luis Suarez told me about "knowledge expressed" and Chiti told me that you can try personified or embodied cognition. I personally am more attracted to the term "bodily cognition" that Antoni rubber band, which from the Department of Psychology, the Universities Illes Balears significant writes a post about it).
will increasingly force in computer science, neurobiology, philosophy (of mind), in the process of artificial intelligence, neural networks aspects and interactions with the environment within the new context of HCI research and own research in neuro and conceptualizations emerging mind / body enactive.
Traditionally, the various branches of cognitive science have considered the mind as an abstract information processor, whose connections with the outside world was of little importance. Currently interactions with the outside world have increased significantly.
Philosophers (mind), scientists cognitive psychologists and artificial intelligence researchers who study cognition and embodied mind, according to the Wikipedia item, believe that the nature of mind is largely determined by how the human body. There is no clear distinction between the mechanism of the mind and cuerpo.Argumentan that all aspects of cognition, such as ideas, thoughts, concepts and categories are determined by aspects of the body. These aspects include the collection system, the intuitions that underlie the ability to move, activities and interactions with the environment and the naive understanding of the world that is built inside the body and into the brain so mutual.
In Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy introduce the concept of bodily cognition as
Cognition program is supported by a growing research in cognitive science that emphasizes the role of environmental education plays in the development of cognitive processes. The general theory holds that cognitive processes are developed as a tightly coupled system shows real-time, the goal-directed interactions between organisms and their environment, the nature of these interactions influences the formation and also in nature of cognitive development. Since corporeal accounts of cognition have been formulated in a variety of different ways in each one of the subfields comprising cognitive science (ie, developmental psychology, artificial life / robotics, linguistics and philosophy of mind), a rich program of interdisciplinary research in emergency. However, all these different conceptions argue that a necessary condition for cognition is the incarnation or embodiment, which extends the basic notion of realization defined as the unique way the sensory ability of an organism that can interact successfully with their niche green. On the other hand, promote the successful adaptation of an organism.
Traditionally, the various branches of cognitive science have considered the mind as an abstract information processor, whose connections with the outside world were of little theoretical importance, collection systems and motor (sensorimotor), though reasonable objects of inquiry in its own right, were not considered relevant for understanding of "central" cognitive processes. Instead, it was thought to serve merely as peripheral input and output. This stance was evident in the first decades of cognitive psychology, when most of the theories of human thinking dealt in propositional form of knowledge. During the same period of time, the artificial intelligence was dominated by processing computer models of abstract symbols. Philosophy of mind, also made his contribution to the spirit of the present age, especially with the hypothesis of modularity of Fodor (1983). According to Fodor, central cognition is not modular, but are its connections with the world. Perception and motor processing are done by information encapsulated in plug-ins, which provide highly limited forms of input and output. Viewpoint
classic cognitivist point of view of embodied cognition / corporeal
1. The computer as a metaphor for the mind, based on rules, driven by logical aspects 1. Coupling metaphor mind / body. Corporeal embodiment forms + setting + limited action in cognitive processes.
2. Analysis isolationist - Cognition can be understood by focusing mainly on internal organizational processes. 2. Relational analysis of interactions between body and environment are studied together to understand cognition.
3. Primacy of the computer 3. Primacy of action that is directed at targets that are developed in real-time.
4. Cognition and passive recovery 4. Active construction of knowledge as based on a set body and all its actions to an end.
5. Symbolic, encoded representations 5. Sensorimotor representations.
bodily cognition is a cognitive theory which posits that certain aspects of our bodies determine our mind. Philosophers, cognitive scientists and artificial intelligence researchers who study cognition and bodily mind believe that the nature of the human mind is determined by how the human body. They argue that all aspects of cognition, such as ideas, thoughts, concepts and categories are shaped by aspects of the body. These include the perceptual system, the intuitions that underlie the ability to move, activities and interactions with our environment and the simple knowledge of the world that is installed in our bodies and brains. The thesis of the corporeal mind is opposed to other theories of cognition, such as cognitivism, the computation and Cartesian dualism. This idea has its roots in Kant and the twentieth-century continental philosophy, as Merleau-Ponty). The modern version is also based on insights provided by recent research in linguistics, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, robotics and neurobiology. George Lakoff (a cognitive scientist and linguist) and his collaborators (including Mark Johnson, Mark Turner, and Rafael E. Núñez) have written several books promoting and expanding the theory based on the findings of cognitive science, such as conceptual metaphor or the image layout.
Researchers in robotics as Rodney Brooks, Hans Moravec and Rolf Pfeifer have argued that true artificial intelligence can only be achieved by machines that have sensory and motor skills and are connected to the world through a body. These ideas have inspired philosophers like Andy Clark and Horst Hendriks-Jansen. The motor theory of speech perception proposed by Alvin Liberman and his colleagues at Haskins Laboratories says that the identification of words is a corporeal perception of body movements that occur with words. Neuroscientists such as Gerald Edelman, Antonio Damasio has pointed out the connection between body, individual brain structures and aspects of the mind as consciousness, emotion, self-consciousness and will.
leaning more and more ubiquitous demonstrations that go beyond the "territory" which was made or even their own environment. Technologies such as augmented reality, and Wii consoles and new Kinect are part of this ecosystem of bodily interaction. And they're very good example of cognition study the body and the ability to create knowledge into action without a central control point, which is called enactive. Very interesting to create learning environments in the context of mobility and action. Haptic learning and games. A learning space without fixed space. A self-healing space autopoietic structures. This layer cognitive learning spaces will be important behind the sensors, hyperlinks and various control devices. The body / mind as manager and disseminator of knowledge. Something that I have raised in her PLE Congress Barcelona (2010) with an ironic presentation of "The body as central to the PLNs.
To explore what we mean by "bodily knowledge" M. Wilson has set up 6 points of view of what is meant by "Embodied Cognition"
1) Cognition is situated. Cognitive activity will be place in a context of a real, and it involves the perception and action.
2) Cognition is pressed for time. As Andy Clark says we are "standing mind" and cognition must be understood in terms of the functions of the way under the pressure of real-time interaction in a specific and contextualized.
3) Worked in the environment without cognitive load. Because of the limits of our information processing capabilities (eg, limits on attention and working memory), which exploit the environment to reduce cognitive workload. We hold that the environment or manipulate information to us filtered environmental.
4) The environment is part of the cognitive system. The flow of information between the mind and the world is so dense and continuous that, for scientists studying the nature of cognitive activity, the mind itself is not a meaningful unit of analysis.
5) Cognition is made for action (first enactive). The function of the mind is to guide action, and cognitive mechanisms such as perception and memory must be understood in terms of their final contribution to the proper conduct in such a situation.
6) The off-line cognition is based on the body. Even when disconnected from the environment, the activity of the mind is based on mechanisms that evolved for interaction with the environment - that is, the mechanisms of sensory processing and motor control.
Often in the literature on embodied cognition some or all of these claims are presented together as if they represented a single point of view. This strategy may have its uses, for example to help draw a convincing picture of what embodied cognition might be and why it might be important. This may have been particularly appropriate at the time that attention first was drawn to this set of ideas, when audiences are not yet familiar with this way of conceptualizing cognition. It is time, however, take a closer look at each of these statements.
Finally, I leave a table that we put into perspective the three traditions of cognitive science in The Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and Human Experience "and is referenced in the literature:
continue. .
• Bateson, G. (2000). Steps to an Ecology of Mind: Collected Essays in Anthropology, Psychiatry, Evolution, and Epistemology (1 th ed.). University Of Chicago Press.
• Bennett, D. (2008). Do not just stand there, think. The Boston Globe. Retrieved December 2, 2010, from
• Calvo, P., & Gomila, T. (2008). Handbook of Cognitive Science: An Embodied Approach. Elsevier Science.
Cowart, M. (Sd). Embodied Cognition. Machines Like Us. Retrieved November 29, 2010, from
• Embodied Cognition and Education. (Sd). . Retrieved December 2, 2010, from
• Holton, DL (nd). Constructivism + = Enactivism Embodied Cognition: Theoretical and Practical Implications for Conceptual Change. Retrieved from
• Lakoff, G., & Johnson, M. (1999). Philosophy in the Flesh : The Embodied Mind and Its Challenge to Western Thought. Basic Books.
• Maturana, H. R., & Varela, F. (1992). Tree of Knowledge (Rev Sub.). Shambhala.
• Pata, K. (2010). An Ontospatial Representation of Writing Narratives in Hybrid Ecosystem. En Database and Expert Systems Applications, International Workshop on (Vol. 0, págs. 87-91). Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE Computer Society. doi:
• Shapiro, L. (2010). Embodied Cognition (1º ed.). Routledge.
• Tabor, W. (s.d.). Fractal learning neural networks. Retrieved from
• Varela, FJ, Thompson, ET, & Rosch, E. (1992). The Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and Human Experience (New edition.). The MIT Press.
• Wilson, M. (Sd). Six Views of Embodied Cognition. Retrieved December 8, 2010, from
ascend an article extracted here from the blog entirely Fernando Santamaría
curious thing anecdote is that today just chatted with a group of teachers about learning styles and how they could make relevant kinesthetic as Kinnet technologies, this morning was just a vagary, here with the text of Santamaria and more development context and theory.
Every day the roads of learning more interesting, complex and chaotic.
One of the scientific fields that will have to consider the new interfaces, since the HCI models are the new research about cognition corporeal (Embodied cognition, difficult to translate what we have here is raw thought and action throughout the body . The mind and body are unified in their actions. Luis Suarez told me about "knowledge expressed" and Chiti told me that you can try personified or embodied cognition. I personally am more attracted to the term "bodily cognition" that Antoni rubber band, which from the Department of Psychology, the Universities Illes Balears significant writes a post about it).
will increasingly force in computer science, neurobiology, philosophy (of mind), in the process of artificial intelligence, neural networks aspects and interactions with the environment within the new context of HCI research and own research in neuro and conceptualizations emerging mind / body enactive.
Traditionally, the various branches of cognitive science have considered the mind as an abstract information processor, whose connections with the outside world was of little importance. Currently interactions with the outside world have increased significantly.
Philosophers (mind), scientists cognitive psychologists and artificial intelligence researchers who study cognition and embodied mind, according to the Wikipedia item, believe that the nature of mind is largely determined by how the human body. There is no clear distinction between the mechanism of the mind and cuerpo.Argumentan that all aspects of cognition, such as ideas, thoughts, concepts and categories are determined by aspects of the body. These aspects include the collection system, the intuitions that underlie the ability to move, activities and interactions with the environment and the naive understanding of the world that is built inside the body and into the brain so mutual.
In Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy introduce the concept of bodily cognition as
Cognition program is supported by a growing research in cognitive science that emphasizes the role of environmental education plays in the development of cognitive processes. The general theory holds that cognitive processes are developed as a tightly coupled system shows real-time, the goal-directed interactions between organisms and their environment, the nature of these interactions influences the formation and also in nature of cognitive development. Since corporeal accounts of cognition have been formulated in a variety of different ways in each one of the subfields comprising cognitive science (ie, developmental psychology, artificial life / robotics, linguistics and philosophy of mind), a rich program of interdisciplinary research in emergency. However, all these different conceptions argue that a necessary condition for cognition is the incarnation or embodiment, which extends the basic notion of realization defined as the unique way the sensory ability of an organism that can interact successfully with their niche green. On the other hand, promote the successful adaptation of an organism.
Traditionally, the various branches of cognitive science have considered the mind as an abstract information processor, whose connections with the outside world were of little theoretical importance, collection systems and motor (sensorimotor), though reasonable objects of inquiry in its own right, were not considered relevant for understanding of "central" cognitive processes. Instead, it was thought to serve merely as peripheral input and output. This stance was evident in the first decades of cognitive psychology, when most of the theories of human thinking dealt in propositional form of knowledge. During the same period of time, the artificial intelligence was dominated by processing computer models of abstract symbols. Philosophy of mind, also made his contribution to the spirit of the present age, especially with the hypothesis of modularity of Fodor (1983). According to Fodor, central cognition is not modular, but are its connections with the world. Perception and motor processing are done by information encapsulated in plug-ins, which provide highly limited forms of input and output. Viewpoint
classic cognitivist point of view of embodied cognition / corporeal
1. The computer as a metaphor for the mind, based on rules, driven by logical aspects 1. Coupling metaphor mind / body. Corporeal embodiment forms + setting + limited action in cognitive processes.
2. Analysis isolationist - Cognition can be understood by focusing mainly on internal organizational processes. 2. Relational analysis of interactions between body and environment are studied together to understand cognition.
3. Primacy of the computer 3. Primacy of action that is directed at targets that are developed in real-time.
4. Cognition and passive recovery 4. Active construction of knowledge as based on a set body and all its actions to an end.
5. Symbolic, encoded representations 5. Sensorimotor representations.
bodily cognition is a cognitive theory which posits that certain aspects of our bodies determine our mind. Philosophers, cognitive scientists and artificial intelligence researchers who study cognition and bodily mind believe that the nature of the human mind is determined by how the human body. They argue that all aspects of cognition, such as ideas, thoughts, concepts and categories are shaped by aspects of the body. These include the perceptual system, the intuitions that underlie the ability to move, activities and interactions with our environment and the simple knowledge of the world that is installed in our bodies and brains. The thesis of the corporeal mind is opposed to other theories of cognition, such as cognitivism, the computation and Cartesian dualism. This idea has its roots in Kant and the twentieth-century continental philosophy, as Merleau-Ponty). The modern version is also based on insights provided by recent research in linguistics, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, robotics and neurobiology. George Lakoff (a cognitive scientist and linguist) and his collaborators (including Mark Johnson, Mark Turner, and Rafael E. Núñez) have written several books promoting and expanding the theory based on the findings of cognitive science, such as conceptual metaphor or the image layout.
Researchers in robotics as Rodney Brooks, Hans Moravec and Rolf Pfeifer have argued that true artificial intelligence can only be achieved by machines that have sensory and motor skills and are connected to the world through a body. These ideas have inspired philosophers like Andy Clark and Horst Hendriks-Jansen. The motor theory of speech perception proposed by Alvin Liberman and his colleagues at Haskins Laboratories says that the identification of words is a corporeal perception of body movements that occur with words. Neuroscientists such as Gerald Edelman, Antonio Damasio has pointed out the connection between body, individual brain structures and aspects of the mind as consciousness, emotion, self-consciousness and will.
leaning more and more ubiquitous demonstrations that go beyond the "territory" which was made or even their own environment. Technologies such as augmented reality, and Wii consoles and new Kinect are part of this ecosystem of bodily interaction. And they're very good example of cognition study the body and the ability to create knowledge into action without a central control point, which is called enactive. Very interesting to create learning environments in the context of mobility and action. Haptic learning and games. A learning space without fixed space. A self-healing space autopoietic structures. This layer cognitive learning spaces will be important behind the sensors, hyperlinks and various control devices. The body / mind as manager and disseminator of knowledge. Something that I have raised in her PLE Congress Barcelona (2010) with an ironic presentation of "The body as central to the PLNs.
To explore what we mean by "bodily knowledge" M. Wilson has set up 6 points of view of what is meant by "Embodied Cognition"
1) Cognition is situated. Cognitive activity will be place in a context of a real, and it involves the perception and action.
2) Cognition is pressed for time. As Andy Clark says we are "standing mind" and cognition must be understood in terms of the functions of the way under the pressure of real-time interaction in a specific and contextualized.
3) Worked in the environment without cognitive load. Because of the limits of our information processing capabilities (eg, limits on attention and working memory), which exploit the environment to reduce cognitive workload. We hold that the environment or manipulate information to us filtered environmental.
4) The environment is part of the cognitive system. The flow of information between the mind and the world is so dense and continuous that, for scientists studying the nature of cognitive activity, the mind itself is not a meaningful unit of analysis.
5) Cognition is made for action (first enactive). The function of the mind is to guide action, and cognitive mechanisms such as perception and memory must be understood in terms of their final contribution to the proper conduct in such a situation.
6) The off-line cognition is based on the body. Even when disconnected from the environment, the activity of the mind is based on mechanisms that evolved for interaction with the environment - that is, the mechanisms of sensory processing and motor control.
Often in the literature on embodied cognition some or all of these claims are presented together as if they represented a single point of view. This strategy may have its uses, for example to help draw a convincing picture of what embodied cognition might be and why it might be important. This may have been particularly appropriate at the time that attention first was drawn to this set of ideas, when audiences are not yet familiar with this way of conceptualizing cognition. It is time, however, take a closer look at each of these statements.
Finally, I leave a table that we put into perspective the three traditions of cognitive science in The Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and Human Experience "and is referenced in the literature:

continue. .
• Bateson, G. (2000). Steps to an Ecology of Mind: Collected Essays in Anthropology, Psychiatry, Evolution, and Epistemology (1 th ed.). University Of Chicago Press.
• Bennett, D. (2008). Do not just stand there, think. The Boston Globe. Retrieved December 2, 2010, from
• Calvo, P., & Gomila, T. (2008). Handbook of Cognitive Science: An Embodied Approach. Elsevier Science.
Cowart, M. (Sd). Embodied Cognition. Machines Like Us. Retrieved November 29, 2010, from
• Embodied Cognition and Education. (Sd). . Retrieved December 2, 2010, from
• Holton, DL (nd). Constructivism + = Enactivism Embodied Cognition: Theoretical and Practical Implications for Conceptual Change. Retrieved from
• Lakoff, G., & Johnson, M. (1999). Philosophy in the Flesh : The Embodied Mind and Its Challenge to Western Thought. Basic Books.
• Maturana, H. R., & Varela, F. (1992). Tree of Knowledge (Rev Sub.). Shambhala.
• Pata, K. (2010). An Ontospatial Representation of Writing Narratives in Hybrid Ecosystem. En Database and Expert Systems Applications, International Workshop on (Vol. 0, págs. 87-91). Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE Computer Society. doi:
• Shapiro, L. (2010). Embodied Cognition (1º ed.). Routledge.
• Tabor, W. (s.d.). Fractal learning neural networks. Retrieved from
• Varela, FJ, Thompson, ET, & Rosch, E. (1992). The Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and Human Experience (New edition.). The MIT Press.
• Wilson, M. (Sd). Six Views of Embodied Cognition. Retrieved December 8, 2010, from
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Does My Terrier Have A Goitre?
CHLOE or Amanda Syfried Gone Wild
There are healthy and unhealthy obsessions. I have experienced both, and after a long time I decided to stay with the former.
few months ago I had a little debate about the word obsession. I clarified that it was my favorite word and that was exactly my obsession more films, among others not worth mentioning at this time. Someone struggling with some vehemence that did bother me that these obsessions always came with a negative tinge. Neither was able to win.
I think the sexual thriller genre when he "Chloe" had already presented everything I had to do. Someone obsessed with another, everything goes well at first, then everything gets worse and not the end.
While this film shows some innovative story lines as the next lesbian obsessive, can not entirely convincing. And it would confirm that one of the elements not to work is the main character, Amanda Syfried. Despite a management style that focuses Atom Egoyan deep into the erotic, Syfried not seem to get to the point necessary to be considered "bad" of the film.
I had encouraged since I had seen his side convincingly, soft and tender in "Letters to Juliet, but occur alongside large as Julianne Moore and Liam Neeson, can be a demanding challenge that is difficult to succeed. Not even all the nudity that was in this role could save her.
is true that for lovers of pure eroticism climax it will be a celebration of the senses where the play of a trio of characters as possible (Syfried, Neeson and Moore) that oozes sexuality to the surface will be bowled over by one. Egoyan makes it to this level with great delicacy. Despite this point in his favor, the script lapses into repeating himself invariably between appointments in the cafe, restaurant, offering nothing beyond what had not been seen before, in addition to lesbian scenes and a strong point Drawing cash, it should be clarified.

There are healthy and unhealthy obsessions. I have experienced both, and after a long time I decided to stay with the former.
few months ago I had a little debate about the word obsession. I clarified that it was my favorite word and that was exactly my obsession more films, among others not worth mentioning at this time. Someone struggling with some vehemence that did bother me that these obsessions always came with a negative tinge. Neither was able to win.
I think the sexual thriller genre when he "Chloe" had already presented everything I had to do. Someone obsessed with another, everything goes well at first, then everything gets worse and not the end.
While this film shows some innovative story lines as the next lesbian obsessive, can not entirely convincing. And it would confirm that one of the elements not to work is the main character, Amanda Syfried. Despite a management style that focuses Atom Egoyan deep into the erotic, Syfried not seem to get to the point necessary to be considered "bad" of the film.

I had encouraged since I had seen his side convincingly, soft and tender in "Letters to Juliet, but occur alongside large as Julianne Moore and Liam Neeson, can be a demanding challenge that is difficult to succeed. Not even all the nudity that was in this role could save her.
now have to see how necessary are the explicit sex scenes for this thriller. Could it be that Egoyan was not confident enough in the talent of its lead actress who made her undress for most of the film?
is true that for lovers of pure eroticism climax it will be a celebration of the senses where the play of a trio of characters as possible (Syfried, Neeson and Moore) that oozes sexuality to the surface will be bowled over by one. Egoyan makes it to this level with great delicacy. Despite this point in his favor, the script lapses into repeating himself invariably between appointments in the cafe, restaurant, offering nothing beyond what had not been seen before, in addition to lesbian scenes and a strong point Drawing cash, it should be clarified.

extracted Synopsis: Catherine (Julianne Moore), a successful gynecologist who leads a comfortable life, but monotonous, with her husband David (Liam Neeson) and his son Michael (Max Thieriot), begins to suspect that David is cheating. Having casually Chloe (Amanda Seyfried), a beautiful young prostitute estate, hire decides to seduce her husband and to test their loyalty. But the accounts of meetings with David Chloe not only catch on Catherine the wick of jealousy, but also a series of hidden desires that the puzzle. Caught in a web of passions and feelings, Catherine will discover that the dangerous game of seduction Chloe whole family is involved.
A Neeson, almost absent, and Moore repeating abstracted female roles and deceived, they failed to meet my expectations for this film despite its high sex claims.
scene not to miss: The pivot point.
My recommendation: Because of its high sexual explicit content minors lead. Rent it in the comfort of your home.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Guys Playing With Boobs Images
's rise to power of this woman was built through the years as a legend that has not been fully confirmed. Donna Woolfolk, an American writer is given the task of making a book about the mysterious woman that entry to this sacred place.
My deep understanding of the Catholic religion and its precepts have been cracked by individuals at different levels, including writers like Saramago with his "Cain" and Dan Brown, from "Da Vinci Code", among others, tells how Mary Magdalene was the principal heir of the Catholic Church. Reflect the changes that the institution had suffered in the event that a woman was the leader, would represent all heretical magic to the world.
This is a film that holds all the keys perfect for it to work: a virtually unknown actress to Hollywood in the lead role, a script that evolves as the story progresses, a German director Sonke Wortman, turning points that catch the instant attention of the viewer. 180 minutes to go flying through the maintenance of a guideline not too hard, too dark, which simply seeks to tell a story well told.
The same production company to the success of the great novel by Umberto Eco, The Name of the Rose ", he embarks on this story where a woman is carried to the throne of the supreme pontiff of the earth disguised as a man . It is important to emphasize that in the ninth century women were forbidden to grasp some kind of knowledge. Was said was "unnatural" and that they "shrank the uterus" and could not produce offspring.
If I can not claim a perfect acting assembly, at least assert that the main action is masterfully conducted by a German Johanna Wokalek clearly androgynous features, selected after Franka Potente declined the role. The rest of actions will make the counter, and while not represent equality, at least not gloss over the main.
The importance of this film, beyond technical design, (which is equally brilliant) lies in pointing out potential spaces with minutiae heretical historians seek to hide at all costs. What if this had some real legend and that woman was removed from the book? Is it possible in the future the inclusion of a High Priestess in the Catholic religion? What would the papacy of this? Scene
not to miss: The early life of Pope Joan.
My recommendation: For further clarification of this story look for the legend in advance so you can understand the importance of its story line.

The story claims to have been a woman Pope. Such a confession demands a strong striking power for me. A woman has attained the highest degree that a man can aspire in religious career. Now would not hurt to ask if it really existed or has been the product of someone's imagination frustrated.
's rise to power of this woman was built through the years as a legend that has not been fully confirmed. Donna Woolfolk, an American writer is given the task of making a book about the mysterious woman that entry to this sacred place.
not enter religious disquisitions of any kind is what we should aim to firmly, but not what you want today. Having a Catholic background has influenced you find these stories interesting, although I confess to not being an avid reader of the Bible, its precepts are traveling with me since childhood.
My deep understanding of the Catholic religion and its precepts have been cracked by individuals at different levels, including writers like Saramago with his "Cain" and Dan Brown, from "Da Vinci Code", among others, tells how Mary Magdalene was the principal heir of the Catholic Church. Reflect the changes that the institution had suffered in the event that a woman was the leader, would represent all heretical magic to the world.
This is a film that holds all the keys perfect for it to work: a virtually unknown actress to Hollywood in the lead role, a script that evolves as the story progresses, a German director Sonke Wortman, turning points that catch the instant attention of the viewer. 180 minutes to go flying through the maintenance of a guideline not too hard, too dark, which simply seeks to tell a story well told.

The same production company to the success of the great novel by Umberto Eco, The Name of the Rose ", he embarks on this story where a woman is carried to the throne of the supreme pontiff of the earth disguised as a man . It is important to emphasize that in the ninth century women were forbidden to grasp some kind of knowledge. Was said was "unnatural" and that they "shrank the uterus" and could not produce offspring.
If I can not claim a perfect acting assembly, at least assert that the main action is masterfully conducted by a German Johanna Wokalek clearly androgynous features, selected after Franka Potente declined the role. The rest of actions will make the counter, and while not represent equality, at least not gloss over the main.

The importance of this film, beyond technical design, (which is equally brilliant) lies in pointing out potential spaces with minutiae heretical historians seek to hide at all costs. What if this had some real legend and that woman was removed from the book? Is it possible in the future the inclusion of a High Priestess in the Catholic religion? What would the papacy of this? Scene
not to miss: The early life of Pope Joan.
My recommendation: For further clarification of this story look for the legend in advance so you can understand the importance of its story line.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Pokemon Lesbians Gallery
Truth be told. I hate that little man with disheveled hair who always seems to run over words one after another when it is expressed. I think that is absurd in a state of denial of the other when it does. As if one would be to understand itself.
So the only way they can face their production is through its actors. If an actor of his work strikes me, right there I ran to him.
This time I had a name. Naomi Watts. The woman who have won the Oscar and over again.
In the finest Hollywood circles, being a muse of Mr. Allen is almost like being a muse of Almodovar in Spain, the woman chosen automatically becomes a treasured "object of desire," which Vogue magazine.
Without further ado and more jokes, this film seems like a complete fiasco. It's boring, linear, predictable and empty. With no turning points that might astound the viewer beyond the ordinary.
A story of two couples who come together in vacuums and decide to find a new partner is the solution to your problems, it seems I can take to cut fabric where, but in the end we were eager to find something beyond what we see in all the soaps. A deep dismay and bewilderment.
The end is inconclusive. I think it is a mark of its director, yet this time it seems that film lacked rolls, because the film was left in half. Points
omniscient narration as always, excellent choice of casting-wasting ending with Sir Anthony Hopkins, Josh Watts-Broslin And its inevitable black humor and the choice of a single color - red my love to dress her muse again and again, make this film but acceptable, a view that can allow for a Sunday afternoon, when there is no longer anything to do . Scene
not to be missed: None.
My recommendation: If you want to see some of Woody Allen, search for "Match Point" and will not repent.

I'm not a fan of Woody Allen, I've never been. This is not part of a way to judge, because in reality what does or does not make an artist in his personal life is not worth negatively related to their intellectual output.
Truth be told. I hate that little man with disheveled hair who always seems to run over words one after another when it is expressed. I think that is absurd in a state of denial of the other when it does. As if one would be to understand itself.
So the only way they can face their production is through its actors. If an actor of his work strikes me, right there I ran to him.
This time I had a name. Naomi Watts. The woman who have won the Oscar and over again.
In the finest Hollywood circles, being a muse of Mr. Allen is almost like being a muse of Almodovar in Spain, the woman chosen automatically becomes a treasured "object of desire," which Vogue magazine.
Without further ado and more jokes, this film seems like a complete fiasco. It's boring, linear, predictable and empty. With no turning points that might astound the viewer beyond the ordinary.
A story of two couples who come together in vacuums and decide to find a new partner is the solution to your problems, it seems I can take to cut fabric where, but in the end we were eager to find something beyond what we see in all the soaps. A deep dismay and bewilderment.
The end is inconclusive. I think it is a mark of its director, yet this time it seems that film lacked rolls, because the film was left in half. Points
omniscient narration as always, excellent choice of casting-wasting ending with Sir Anthony Hopkins, Josh Watts-Broslin And its inevitable black humor and the choice of a single color - red my love to dress her muse again and again, make this film but acceptable, a view that can allow for a Sunday afternoon, when there is no longer anything to do . Scene
not to be missed: None.
My recommendation: If you want to see some of Woody Allen, search for "Match Point" and will not repent.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
How Tell Scorpio Likes
Working on a presentation on the use of ICT found this wonder in which by excellent animation work once again we see Sir Ken Robinson surprises us with his insight and thoughts. At this point speak learning and knowledge is impossible only from a school or organizational perspective, no doubt learning occurs at any time of life and what is here said is as true for the school system as andragogical models.
Monday, November 22, 2010
What Fruit Were Hawaiian Women
If you are embarrassed to be seen in a room in which to watch the little wizard that we grow and now neither is small, but still magician do not worry about what others think, because from time to time should be given free rein to the imagination and to believe there is an alternate world of magic and the mundane present the rest of us Muggles (people we have no knowledge of magic).
This version comes without the mythical Hogwartz school, which gives you a freer nature of the narrative, along with starting stage of adulthood Potter gives a better flavor and smoother to it as well that when the viewer and get to see the seventh version is so in love with the characters that it is easier for him to understand his actions.
This will be an entertaining film for the viewer off guard and for the diehard fan will be a beautiful transition to the destruction of Lord Voldemort, because according to prophecy, one of the two must perish in the end, and as Rowling at Potter end the look bad with a lot of people. A film that We continue to demonstrate the importance of a mentor in dark times like the present.
scene not to miss: The destruction of the Third Horrocruz. And every where Voldemort appears.
My recommendation: If you have already seen the former know that the average duration is more than two hours of each version, so make the passage through the bathroom before entering the room.

If you do not have idea that spectrum is patronum, Petrificus Overall, Sectusempra or ADAVE Kedabra , or to serve, nor has any idea who the fuck is Dumbledore Dolores Umbridge or, better or go near to see the first part of this septalogía because it will be cold and not because the air conditioning in the room.
If you are embarrassed to be seen in a room in which to watch the little wizard that we grow and now neither is small, but still magician do not worry about what others think, because from time to time should be given free rein to the imagination and to believe there is an alternate world of magic and the mundane present the rest of us Muggles (people we have no knowledge of magic).
I think the magic we ever crossed your mind in childhood, some wanted to fly like Superman, and did not make it, "and some people like me, dreamed of being witches instead of princesses. And dreaming of castles while I was sleeping next to a VHS and a book of "How to Read the Tarot."

all saw Harry Potter and his friends during these years, I saw growing up in two days thanks to a marathon, and as I introduced in that world was wondering about the genius of JK Rowling and that kind of mind is needed to create seven books with a detailed description of the many elements that border on the absurd. Definitely want to talk to the author to know what you have in your head.
all saw Harry Potter and his friends during these years, I saw growing up in two days thanks to a marathon, and as I introduced in that world was wondering about the genius of JK Rowling and that kind of mind is needed to create seven books with a detailed description of the many elements that border on the absurd. Definitely want to talk to the author to know what you have in your head.
In summary, the ensemble acting is perfect, led by the mystic perfection of character played by Ralph Phiennes Voldemort, who can move from being a troubled lover-like common-reference it to become an evil lord of darkness with great precision so that borders on perfection. From here on the brilliant performances of Radcliffe and the ever-dark, one of my favorites, Helena Bonham Carter, who also recognize their taste for these interpretations that are out of the ordinary, being the girlfriend of Tim Burton.
This version comes without the mythical Hogwartz school, which gives you a freer nature of the narrative, along with starting stage of adulthood Potter gives a better flavor and smoother to it as well that when the viewer and get to see the seventh version is so in love with the characters that it is easier for him to understand his actions.

The art direction is high at its peak with the darkness to which we are accustomed Andrew Ackland who has colored the image from the first version of this septalogía so far. Likewise, David Yates, the general director, does an excellent job of mature adaptation of the work in the last four versions.
This will be an entertaining film for the viewer off guard and for the diehard fan will be a beautiful transition to the destruction of Lord Voldemort, because according to prophecy, one of the two must perish in the end, and as Rowling at Potter end the look bad with a lot of people. A film that We continue to demonstrate the importance of a mentor in dark times like the present.
scene not to miss: The destruction of the Third Horrocruz. And every where Voldemort appears.
My recommendation: If you have already seen the former know that the average duration is more than two hours of each version, so make the passage through the bathroom before entering the room.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Who Is Private School Jewel?
since I saw the announcement of this film I knew I had to concentrate on the history of a page that has absorbed many hours of my life. I confess. I stopped smoking, quit and Twitter Formspring , but I can not help Facebook . Thanks Mark Zuckerberg, You Fucked my life!
Interestingly, the beginning of this film that suggests that this page begins with the absurd that we need human beings that we call the three A's: attention, acceptance, approval. We present an internal struggle to be heard, when we have nothing to do or no one to talk, physically, we turn to a page where we meet the various beings who know a time in life and probably never see again.
And again enters this discussion by discussing the emotional and rational intelligence. A "brainy" Harvard creates a network social. And at the end of not being accepted into the club setting up a network of over 500 million friends. Tell me, Daniel Goleman, what happened here?
Roughly, David Fincher, who has accustomed us to dark sides of human being-the most fun while exploring complex, "in films like Fight Club, Seven, Zodiac, handles so sublime a very simple story line if it had been taken by another director with less attention to human, would have completely destroyed.
addition to managing the story line, coupled with a musical composition by Trent Reznor highly selective, it seems to be almost invisible, but which adds a dark flavor to the film, highlights the assembly acting.
Excellent performances, led by the brilliant casting of Jesse Eisenberg, "Zombieland," the main character is physically very similar to the original Zuckerberg, both verbally and in body.
A perfect film that will have many fans for both activists and opponents of social networks, while scoring more points Fincher is tearing not only the surface but one of the most attractive plots in the middle of the century: how to become more social without becoming asocial. One of the major concepts that seem to emerge again from the philosopher Canadian Marshall McLuhan predicted in the concept of Global Village.
A movie that only shows the rise of network points in a crude way as ambition reaches imaginable limits, and how what starts as a simple idea came to report a fortune for the young Zuckerberg.
Scene not to be missed: the first where the main character reveals the reason that motivates him to create Facebook.
My recommendation: The film can be somewhat lengthy for those not accustomed to the biographies. So limit yourself to enjoy the dialogue and characters.

They say that the more "friends" Facebook we possess at least we call as "real life."
since I saw the announcement of this film I knew I had to concentrate on the history of a page that has absorbed many hours of my life. I confess. I stopped smoking, quit and Twitter Formspring , but I can not help Facebook . Thanks Mark Zuckerberg, You Fucked my life!
Interestingly, the beginning of this film that suggests that this page begins with the absurd that we need human beings that we call the three A's: attention, acceptance, approval. We present an internal struggle to be heard, when we have nothing to do or no one to talk, physically, we turn to a page where we meet the various beings who know a time in life and probably never see again.
need to know about us. And this is the beginning of Zuckerberg, whom his high IQ leads him to become the youngest billionaire in history, but who at the same time his poor emotional intelligence does not provide what is necessary to be admitted to a fraternity or social club Harvard University.
And again enters this discussion by discussing the emotional and rational intelligence. A "brainy" Harvard creates a network social. And at the end of not being accepted into the club setting up a network of over 500 million friends. Tell me, Daniel Goleman, what happened here?
Roughly, David Fincher, who has accustomed us to dark sides of human being-the most fun while exploring complex, "in films like Fight Club, Seven, Zodiac, handles so sublime a very simple story line if it had been taken by another director with less attention to human, would have completely destroyed.
addition to managing the story line, coupled with a musical composition by Trent Reznor highly selective, it seems to be almost invisible, but which adds a dark flavor to the film, highlights the assembly acting.
Excellent performances, led by the brilliant casting of Jesse Eisenberg, "Zombieland," the main character is physically very similar to the original Zuckerberg, both verbally and in body.
A perfect film that will have many fans for both activists and opponents of social networks, while scoring more points Fincher is tearing not only the surface but one of the most attractive plots in the middle of the century: how to become more social without becoming asocial. One of the major concepts that seem to emerge again from the philosopher Canadian Marshall McLuhan predicted in the concept of Global Village.
A movie that only shows the rise of network points in a crude way as ambition reaches imaginable limits, and how what starts as a simple idea came to report a fortune for the young Zuckerberg.
Scene not to be missed: the first where the main character reveals the reason that motivates him to create Facebook.
My recommendation: The film can be somewhat lengthy for those not accustomed to the biographies. So limit yourself to enjoy the dialogue and characters.
Friday, June 11, 2010
What Does Cm Look Like Before Start Of Period
And impunity
The news said that Genaro Delgado Parker had an arrest warrant. Shortly after the employer realizes that speak to the judge and diligently will allow you to go to court on Monday. Genaro Delgado proves once again that the law applies equally to all.
The news said that Genaro Delgado Parker had an arrest warrant. Shortly after the employer realizes that speak to the judge and diligently will allow you to go to court on Monday. Genaro Delgado proves once again that the law applies equally to all.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Black Scab On Nipple And Pregnancy
The photograph of your property is the first opportunity to sell
If it looks dirty, old, poorly managed, in disrepair, ugly, etc, closes the ad and go to the next automatically. If in addition to this, the picture did not notice it even opens. It is proven that the items most to who does a search are: 1 The photos of the property. 2 The level and 3 offer value and information in the area. The user wants to first find quantities of what you want to compare, then notices that the information on the property this very complete and detailed.
In searching for real estate photography plays a key role in real estate or builder who sells his own property, is the first opportunity to sell. Photography focused on improving the way real estate business of taking photos for such ads. It is important to know, for example, the frame should have the photo, taking into account the size of the apartment or house. If it's a small apartment, we get the plans from the corners to make them look larger.
must also take into account the light that has a place and make the best possible way for our property caught the eye of prospective clients. In the case of an apartment or house with lots of light, we have to show it, taking care not to dazzle and leave the window one side of the picture avoiding be facing in order to show more. Also the use of flash, angle, are important at the time of shooting.
Another important reason that leads to photographs on the Internet is that properties with photos appear in the top search engines, are popular and therefore sell faster than those without. Well photographed properties sell better, save time and predispose the client.
The quality of images depends on the seller gets a second chance to show the property and close a sale. Using 360-degree photographs, would further highlighting the virtues of each property and be more likely to sell faster.
Janela Digital recently launched the service in 360 º photos and build pages specifically designed for this type of file.
well photographed properties sell better, save time and predispose the client.
The photograph of your property is the first opportunity to sell
Who has not paid more attention to the photos of a notice that the text? property as catch the eye. When looking for an apartment in the real estate portals and web sites of real estate options are being discarded by their photographs, filtering by area, price, size, in order depending on personal choice that leads us to seek a place to live.If it looks dirty, old, poorly managed, in disrepair, ugly, etc, closes the ad and go to the next automatically. If in addition to this, the picture did not notice it even opens. It is proven that the items most to who does a search are: 1 The photos of the property. 2 The level and 3 offer value and information in the area. The user wants to first find quantities of what you want to compare, then notices that the information on the property this very complete and detailed.
In searching for real estate photography plays a key role in real estate or builder who sells his own property, is the first opportunity to sell. Photography focused on improving the way real estate business of taking photos for such ads. It is important to know, for example, the frame should have the photo, taking into account the size of the apartment or house. If it's a small apartment, we get the plans from the corners to make them look larger.
must also take into account the light that has a place and make the best possible way for our property caught the eye of prospective clients. In the case of an apartment or house with lots of light, we have to show it, taking care not to dazzle and leave the window one side of the picture avoiding be facing in order to show more. Also the use of flash, angle, are important at the time of shooting.
Another important reason that leads to photographs on the Internet is that properties with photos appear in the top search engines, are popular and therefore sell faster than those without. Well photographed properties sell better, save time and predispose the client.
The quality of images depends on the seller gets a second chance to show the property and close a sale. Using 360-degree photographs, would further highlighting the virtues of each property and be more likely to sell faster.
Janela Digital recently launched the service in 360 º photos and build pages specifically designed for this type of file.
Source: Janela Digital
Friday, May 21, 2010
Nancy Drew Wolf Shovel Pond
Thus, as today, new internet networks greatly encourage the flourishing of new business strategies. The search for creative solutions that allow the consolidation of new business channels (Web sites that promote the Agents and Business, Real Estate Exchanges where the applicant is a new and innovative online marketplace). All this translates into a more robust intermediation by the participation of all members of the real estate business, allowing greater participation of stakeholders and facilitates the struggle to maintain a position in the market. Teamwork is often one of the remaining tasks many organizations, so here we invite Registered Real Estate Agents and property companies to try, join networks, bags, and specialized virtual magazines, which are the teams of the future.
teamwork in the Real Estate Agent and Registered Real Estate Company should be specialized, for customers looking for it is they who know some product or service of real estate activity (buying, selling, leasing, property management, training) must also develop activity in a given area, district and sector as residential, commercial or industrial.
networks or working groups then can be composed of experts in different fields and only then will sense the so-called * referrals *. So if someone makes industrial real estate brokerage and a customer asks for a residential property, then we can recommend a colleague who specializes in RED departments or houses (with whom he previously has a participation agreement). This will prevent that housing activity will continue to present undesirable situations such as informal operations realizadas por improvisados, que solo pretenden *ganarse alguito* al cerrar una operación inmobiliaria con la cual no han tenido el más mínimo compromiso, ya que no la realizan de manera habitual ni profesional.
Ivan Milla Euribe .-
always talk of teamwork as an ideal form of rapport between members of an organization, but what should keep in mind is that a team can face greater challenges, even though these are handled by many people separately. This is due mainly to the use of resources of each of the people and their interaction with the rest of them. That way the companies Real Estate Agents and Registered can obtain better results in developing a proper teamwork. We must also take into account the communication between network nodes that form a group and to be communicated in an optimal way.
The specialists of these concepts there is no magic method to ensure success, comes into play both the type of organization and commitment of each of the "actors" that interact with each other and with the group. In addition, each actor must know the property being sold, is a decisive factor in establishing a system of teamwork. With regard to interpersonal collaboration, we propose a strategy based on communication channels. This concept refers to the tools of modern communication that comes from outside the traditional channels, ie using modern Internet tools that allow more dynamism to all real estate sectors.
Thus, innovativeness is present in the concept of "teamwork" as that which can help more successfully conclude the process of selling real estate. In fact, he has always said that "two heads are better than two", which applied to the subject property, it is easier for innovation to be presented through the interaction between several people working together that several people separately.
Thus, as today, new internet networks greatly encourage the flourishing of new business strategies. The search for creative solutions that allow the consolidation of new business channels (Web sites that promote the Agents and Business, Real Estate Exchanges where the applicant is a new and innovative online marketplace). All this translates into a more robust intermediation by the participation of all members of the real estate business, allowing greater participation of stakeholders and facilitates the struggle to maintain a position in the market. Teamwork is often one of the remaining tasks many organizations, so here we invite Registered Real Estate Agents and property companies to try, join networks, bags, and specialized virtual magazines, which are the teams of the future.
teamwork in the Real Estate Agent and Registered Real Estate Company should be specialized, for customers looking for it is they who know some product or service of real estate activity (buying, selling, leasing, property management, training) must also develop activity in a given area, district and sector as residential, commercial or industrial.
networks or working groups then can be composed of experts in different fields and only then will sense the so-called * referrals *. So if someone makes industrial real estate brokerage and a customer asks for a residential property, then we can recommend a colleague who specializes in RED departments or houses (with whom he previously has a participation agreement). This will prevent that housing activity will continue to present undesirable situations such as informal operations realizadas por improvisados, que solo pretenden *ganarse alguito* al cerrar una operación inmobiliaria con la cual no han tenido el más mínimo compromiso, ya que no la realizan de manera habitual ni profesional.
Ivan Milla Euribe .-
- graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the Ricardo Palma University, majoring in Business Real Estate and Property Management, Real Estate Advisory developers.
- Astec Estate Manager until 2007, manager of the Department of Buildings Management Login SA until 2009 and current manager of the company Real Estate Managers SAC, a company dedicated to property management.
- participate in the teaching field as manager of First Course of Specialization Realtor dictated by UTP (2008), Professor of Real Estate Management module at the National University of Engineering and display of Real Estate Management Diploma in CIP (2009). Professor of Real Estate Agent graduated from Universidad Ricardo Palma ( 2010).
- Exhibitor Seminar property management issued by the Global Institute 2009 and R Real Estate Management Diploma graduate school at the Technological University of Peru. Deputy Speaker of Realtors Registered Peru.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Stop Viewing My Friends On Facebook
OPINION.Dr. Iván González Delgado: Barter and Swap Real Estate in Peru
With the boom that is now reaching Peru in economic activity, specifically in the real estate, concerns and questions arise about the need to shape and define the most advantageous carry out a transaction between a realtor who wanted to buy a house and an owner who wanted to sell, in order to live in a smaller building, as a Department. It
said to establish an exchange * 1 (which is called "barter"), instead of making a sale of current home and then purchase another, has its advantages, for a swap would take place only in an Exchange Act real estate, while the sale is effected in two transactions: the sale of the property, and another, the purchase of another property to live, considering that much more expensive to do the "exchange", which is a change of ownership ownership, without the contingency of having little time to find new home after selling the current one, or having to opt for the rent, or go to the home of a relative or friend.
However, we believe that the so-called "exchange" does not resolve such constraints or transaction costs, considering that the swap regulated in our Peruvian Civil Code, is governed by regulated for sale in what is applicable. On the other hand, we must consider that whether the transaction is carried out through an exchange or a sale, who sells his house for the construction of a future building, will have to find a temporary place to live while you build the department would be given in the future building will have to find a temporary place to live while building the department would be given in the future building.
The "Barter property ", as he has called the real estate exchange, and is regulated in our country through the exchange, however, which is carried out in practice is not a barter or exchange, but rather based on a sale between the owner of the house and estate, establishing that the buyer will be paying through the delivery of a sum of money, plus one or two departments of the future building to be delivered in lieu of payment * 2, Therefore, if we apply what has been called the exchange property, it should establish an exchange (barter) of real estate, that not having the same value, money will be delivered The difference is that this would constitute sale.
For example, if an owner wants to make an exchange (swap) your home, for which in return give him one or two departments of a future building, not being the real estate of equal value, the owner will be given a additional sum for the value of your home. When performing these operations, the exchange is set aside and the transaction is configured in a sale or perhaps in an amount of mixed contracts.
Similarly, we believe that the concept of bartering is useless property beyond that for which it was conceived, that is, above all, for those who want to avoid complications when to buy or sell a property when they really want is to move house. These difficulties are to be avoided with the exchange property, is mitigated if one considers that currently the property in order to avoid complications by owner sell your home, include in its budget to rent a house for temporary resident who sold his house, until it builds the department offered. We join
pointed out by Max Arias Schreiber * 3, which shows respect to interest rate swap agreement that "the sale has been moved by their greater use. The result is that the swap contract is a kind of 'second order', which are minor and for that reason is subject to the rules of the sale, as may be applicable. "
Finally we conclude by stating that the parties will take precedence over the contractual provisions of our Civil Code, unless they are mandatory * 4. Considering that the exchange does not solve the problem in practice, it is more efficient than the will of the parties who decide the case, for instance, including as an obligation of the real estate property solvent to live temporarily house sellers.
is much more efficient for legal transactions the parties decide, rather than being imposed by a standard model, because it is the parties who best to know what that business should be efficient, and this is demonstrated when the parties contract for a transaction combine efficient and suitable to their interests.
* 1: Peruvian Civil Code article 1602. "For the swap, the permutantes, mutually undertake to transfer ownership of the property." Section 1603. "The exchange is governed by the provisions on sale, as are applicable".
* 2: Civil Code: payment in article 1265. "The payment where the creditor receives as total or partial cancellation provision different from that must be fulfilled."
* 3: Lights and Shadows Civil Code. Max Arias - Schreiber Pezet. Analysis Books VI to X, 1 edition. Volume II, p.107.
* 4: Civil Code article 1356. "Primacy of the Will of the Contracting States. The provisions of the Contracts Act are supplemental to the will of the parties unless they are mandatory.
Buy or sell a property when they really are looking to move house.
OPINION.Dr. Iván González Delgado: Barter and Swap Real Estate in Peru
Now we see in many of the traditional districts of Lima, collapsing large houses, to build modern buildings with comfortable apartments, usually for housing. The owners of these houses, people who have lived with several family members, and that with the passage of time are leaving the building, leaving it inhabited only by a small number of people, usually the father and mother. Here lies the crux of the topic, what do you do with a large building where few people live?With the boom that is now reaching Peru in economic activity, specifically in the real estate, concerns and questions arise about the need to shape and define the most advantageous carry out a transaction between a realtor who wanted to buy a house and an owner who wanted to sell, in order to live in a smaller building, as a Department. It
said to establish an exchange * 1 (which is called "barter"), instead of making a sale of current home and then purchase another, has its advantages, for a swap would take place only in an Exchange Act real estate, while the sale is effected in two transactions: the sale of the property, and another, the purchase of another property to live, considering that much more expensive to do the "exchange", which is a change of ownership ownership, without the contingency of having little time to find new home after selling the current one, or having to opt for the rent, or go to the home of a relative or friend.
However, we believe that the so-called "exchange" does not resolve such constraints or transaction costs, considering that the swap regulated in our Peruvian Civil Code, is governed by regulated for sale in what is applicable. On the other hand, we must consider that whether the transaction is carried out through an exchange or a sale, who sells his house for the construction of a future building, will have to find a temporary place to live while you build the department would be given in the future building will have to find a temporary place to live while building the department would be given in the future building.
The "Barter property ", as he has called the real estate exchange, and is regulated in our country through the exchange, however, which is carried out in practice is not a barter or exchange, but rather based on a sale between the owner of the house and estate, establishing that the buyer will be paying through the delivery of a sum of money, plus one or two departments of the future building to be delivered in lieu of payment * 2, Therefore, if we apply what has been called the exchange property, it should establish an exchange (barter) of real estate, that not having the same value, money will be delivered The difference is that this would constitute sale.
For example, if an owner wants to make an exchange (swap) your home, for which in return give him one or two departments of a future building, not being the real estate of equal value, the owner will be given a additional sum for the value of your home. When performing these operations, the exchange is set aside and the transaction is configured in a sale or perhaps in an amount of mixed contracts.
Similarly, we believe that the concept of bartering is useless property beyond that for which it was conceived, that is, above all, for those who want to avoid complications when to buy or sell a property when they really want is to move house. These difficulties are to be avoided with the exchange property, is mitigated if one considers that currently the property in order to avoid complications by owner sell your home, include in its budget to rent a house for temporary resident who sold his house, until it builds the department offered. We join
pointed out by Max Arias Schreiber * 3, which shows respect to interest rate swap agreement that "the sale has been moved by their greater use. The result is that the swap contract is a kind of 'second order', which are minor and for that reason is subject to the rules of the sale, as may be applicable. "
Finally we conclude by stating that the parties will take precedence over the contractual provisions of our Civil Code, unless they are mandatory * 4. Considering that the exchange does not solve the problem in practice, it is more efficient than the will of the parties who decide the case, for instance, including as an obligation of the real estate property solvent to live temporarily house sellers.
is much more efficient for legal transactions the parties decide, rather than being imposed by a standard model, because it is the parties who best to know what that business should be efficient, and this is demonstrated when the parties contract for a transaction combine efficient and suitable to their interests.
* 1: Peruvian Civil Code article 1602. "For the swap, the permutantes, mutually undertake to transfer ownership of the property." Section 1603. "The exchange is governed by the provisions on sale, as are applicable".
* 2: Civil Code: payment in article 1265. "The payment where the creditor receives as total or partial cancellation provision different from that must be fulfilled."
* 3: Lights and Shadows Civil Code. Max Arias - Schreiber Pezet. Analysis Books VI to X, 1 edition. Volume II, p.107.
* 4: Civil Code article 1356. "Primacy of the Will of the Contracting States. The provisions of the Contracts Act are supplemental to the will of the parties unless they are mandatory.
Source: Dr. Iván González González Delgado Valdivia Study Partner & Lawyers
Monday, February 22, 2010
Hacking Wireless Internet Dongles Software
OPINION: Rodolfo Chavez: The Art of Selling Your Property on the Internet
selling your home on the Internet is more than just a collection of photos beautiful. Its impact on the internet is equal to the impact caused his property to a customer first impression, the way you package the product to entice a potential buyer is predominant.
A common mistake is to assume that your home would like to all types of customer, people do not usually think of their homes in this way, but looking at your neighborhood and the first impression of your property you can pinpoint the market segment you want and make the appropriate marketing.
Keep in mind that you are selling a dream
If anyone can imagine their lives unfolding in the images and descriptive text, you are on the brink of finding a date production and a possible sale.
photographs to promote your property are all, they must look professional, include photos of the garden, interior qualities such as laundry, patio, garage and other points of
unique selling.
The home should appear to be lit naturally clean and fresh, with fresh flowers or other accents to add style remarkable.
addition to preparing your property for the Internet:
ü Look competition. Investigate how others have online home locally and in other cities before you begin to develop their tactics. Good places to start are local sites of real estate listing.
Ü Venda location. Promote the district, schools around neighborhood parks, restaurants, shopping centers, etc. All these things sell a quality of life and work as keywords in the search engines.
ü Enter your address or intersection owned . Make sure the directions are very clear and include major intersections. This allows a customer wishing to verify the location of the property beforehand, and can rule out non-serious buyers.
ü Highlight the features of the property. Mention any recent renovation (completed with a permit, if applicable), number of bedrooms, if you have a fenced garden, and whatever unique characteristics of your property.
ü Include detailed descriptions . List the number of square feet of the lot, the square meters, individual dimensions of the site: foreground, background, year of construction, property taxes, maintenance costs, if I had, and so on. Put lots of photos, pictures sold, especially on the Internet.
ü Keep price search engine friendly . For example, a price $ 299,000 dollars is more likely to be sought by buyers, a price of $ 305,000 dollars.
ü Choose sites that organize listings by date . When you update your listing, any changes will save over the competition in the list, so you can update your list each week if desired.
By Rodolfo L. Chavez
y Asociados SAC CEO InmoBroker
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