Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Ls Studios List Addendum

Peru Alejandro Toledo: political corruption and social pathology

The July 28, 2001, Alejandro Toledo was proclaimed President of Peru, and at the ceremony said: "I will be implacable against corruption." He also said: "The fight against poverty will require the best efforts of my government." The day after the presidential inauguration, he went to the city of Cusco and Machu Picchu high in (The ancient Inca citadel), control building of a platform play, a sort of nineteenth-century street circus. There, surrounded by the colorful clothing of his blonde wife and elegant suits from several Latin American presidents held an Inca ritual he claimed to "receive the telluric force of the Andean gods."
and Peru
But corruption is so ancient that reaches the Incas themselves, nor the "telluric force of the Andean gods' (old Inca mythology that were used to subjugate the population) or other ecclesiastical miracle wheel stopped of corruption and injustice that Toledo has continued to grow like a snowball in free fall. The reality is dramatic, and a new clique linked to the old mobsters who ran Montesinos mafia to Peru to continue delivering slices. Hunger and misery of the Peruvians have not stopped growing in the same way it has grown by an infected stratum composed of thugs masquerading as politicians who enrich themselves at the expense of state assets.

was the beginning of this government and in Peru and abroad Toledo was presented as a champion of justice, the rule of law, and the most perfect democracy. Right-wing parties and the official left, jumped on the bandwagon of the new ruler. And in the same terms that had collaborated with the government of Montesinos, they do now with the regime of "all the blood" in the hands of Toledo. That unit for the banquet, theft and cheating among official parties and the new candidate of the government palace, must have for any political analyst as a sign that the government of "all the blood 'was nothing more than retread the previous government, but it was not. The press in Peru mercenaries, ayayeros intellectuals and even priests, bishops and the cardinal himself, closed his beak, and kept the same silent accomplice who had been practicing for 10 years when Montesinos made the Peru a mouthwatering cake which was distributed to pieces from a mob of civilian leadership, military, entrepreneurs, and all manner of ruffian. Pedro Navaja

Peruvian version

From the beginning we say that all the ridiculous drama that had risen Toledo, both in his campaign as the time to take position of the government palace, were fireworks to conceal its links with the former regime. We said this was exactly the government following administration Montesinos mafia. We note that the same puppeteers (the American CIA, local power groups and the armed forces of Peru) who had handled the power at will over the past decade, now did the same with the government of Toledo. Our political predictions are met almost immediate, and corruption continued to steam ahead, and most civil servants, ministers, relatives of the president, and the same Eliane Karp first lady and wife of Toledo , were involved in corruption. Recently Raul Canseco Terry, Senior Vice President of the Republic was forced to run in a stampede. It was found that the State, enterprises favored his girlfriend's father. Resigned and the judiciary remains a criminal, like all trials of corrupt officials, ending in a negotiated and the defendant shall be without penalty. The same appearance of corruption of the past decade is now feature Main judiciary, parliament and other state institutions, which serve as a loincloth to political harlotry. All this constitutes a morally bankrupt country, whose society lumpenizada is an expression of social pathology afflicting the country because of its high degree of corruption. In this country, Pedro Navaja, the keyway of clubs in Panama it falls short of leaders and politicians in Peru.

ties with Montesinos mafia. History
Even before the week runs from 26 to 31 January, the government could have hide evidence of their relationship with the mafia that runs from his prison Vladimiro Montesinos golden naval base El Callao. Now everything has been discovered, and it is known that César Almeyda, Toledo's personal adviser, was in charge of making secret negotiations with General Oscar Villanueva Vidal (1), known as the "cashier" Vladimiro Montesinos.

political events in Peru repeated caricatured. If the personal adviser Montesinos Fujimori was the gangster, the personal adviser Almeida Toledo and is so called as the first gangster. If Montesinos was head of the National Intelligence Service (SIN), Almeida was head of the National Intelligence Council (CNI) state. If Montesinos was Fujimori's lawyer, Almeida was the personal lawyer and legal agent Toledo of Peru Posible (political group of Toledo). If Montesinos intercept the telephones from the INS, Almeyda did from the CNI. If Vladimiro Montesinos had a predisposition for greenbacks (dollars), Almeida and start also has received $ 4.5 million of General Villanueva in advance of business to protect the mafia. If Montesinos had an excessive desire to control the press and television, Almeida (as seen in the audio accuser) moved his mafia network for control of the main television channels. If Montesinos was the man most influential in the government of Fujimori, Almeida has been, even before his demise, the most trusted man Alejandro Toledo and the first lady Eliane Kart. Cesar Almeida, presidential adviser since 2001, has been one of the most influential men in the government of Toledo. He has held senior positions in the largest state enterprises. For example he was director of Petroperu, where illegally paid 14 monthly salaries of employees working, not Petroperú, but if in the office of first lady Eliane Kart. (The first lady said cynically that his private office cost nothing to the State). He was also president of INDECOPI, because of its corrupt management at this facility was reported at the congress of receiving bribes from private companies.

Who is General Oscar Villanueva?. The military was the right arm of Vladimiro Montesinos. His mission was to cover through various bank accounts, both in Peru and abroad, millions of dollars from the mafia. Routinely passed through his hands part of the fortune he accumulated Vladimiro Montesinos, and then comes the nickname of the "cashier." Between 1994 and 1998, was chief of the General Office of Administration, Ministry of Interior. After (1998-2000) was head of the General Office of Administration, Ministry of Defence. Since these institutions conducted a series of fraudulent purchase transactions military clothing, weapons, ammunition and vehicles for the military. The juicy booty he collected, came from the valuation of prices and charges for purchases. This money went straight into the hands of Montesinos. In 2000 Montesinos was charged to "raise" a bag of $ 20 million to finance the third campaign of Fujimori. Only in March 2001 went to retirement but before concluding his military career made a proposal for internal security to the government of Toledo. Business with the government to not check their bank accounts and your family. Along with a score of generals accused of belonging to the mafia and spent 6 months in jail. Oddly changed the sentence for "house arrest", a legal figure who has invented pseudo Toledo to favor men of the mafia. In September 2002, when he still weighed on house arrest, shot a bullet into the mouth. This "suicide", which some doubted that was true, came after he met and business adviser Toledo. Luz Salgado, a present-Fujimori congressman, likened the general's death not suicide but a well planned murder. Suicide or not, the fact is that the disappearance of both the military favored Montesinos mafia and the mob in Toledo who felt threatened by secrets that had this general.

"Popy" the corruption of the broom

involved in the scandal appears Fernando Olivera (known as "Popy") current ambassador of Peru in Spain. Olivera was the government's justice minister in 2001 Toledo when trade talks were conducted with the clerk of Montesinos. And, as Peru is negotiating a publication was performed "with the consent" of the Minister of Justice had to be aware of matters regarding the judiciary and serious criminal offenses against the state. For now the prosecutor has demanded Cortes Jorge Olivera is submitted to his office to clarify judicial involvement in these negotiations secret. Fernando Olivera is also the leader of the Independent Moralizing Front (FIM), a political organization involved, from the July 28, 2001, in power with Toledo. Olivera's party, which is symbolized by a straw broom, has made anti-corruption discourse (pure demagoguery), its best electoral weapon. It is the second time that FIM is involved in the Montesinos mafia. Ernesto Gamarra, a former congressman, and until recently, top leaders of this organization, was sentenced to 5 years in prison for having acknowledged receiving money from Montesinos. Gamarra is one of the founders 'historical' of FIM, and many years was the right arm of "Popy" Olivera. In every election, both as Gamarra Olivera, toured the cities of Peru with a broom in their hands.

He is also involved, General Daniel Mora, head of the National Intelligence Council (NIC) on behalf of the government who tried to buy (at any price) audio accuser. Another of those involved is "Coqui" Toledo (nephew of the president) who acted in this business as a liaison secret government palace. By 2001, the president's nephew was the center of a scandal when it was discovered that having no profession or job, I had a million-dollar bank account (700, 000) in the First Union Bank in Charlotte (USA). Subsequently, dramatically appeared as "advisor to the Ministry of the Presidency" and also as advisor to the Presidency Council of Ministers. "Later it was learned that he was" computer consultant advising the presidential program of the United Nations. "Thus has continued to escalate positions and make news. On several occasions he has been seen as part of" high commissions technical 'government, and his trip to China, Europe and the United States are ongoing.

trading advisor Toledo and Montesinos cashier

Negotiations between Cesar Almeida and General Oscar Villanueva (cashier Montesinos) is held on Monday December 10, 2001 when Toledo was only six months at the presidential palace. The transactions, in which a half million dollars, focused on two main aspects: A Vladimiro Montesinos rid of being accused of the crime of drug trafficking and possible short-term (one year or two) their ultimate freedom. This purpose has been recorded on the tape that the same general Villanueva was commissioned to do in secret to guard the backs of possible treason from the Toledo adviser. On this recording makes the case presidential adviser Montesinos and his freedom as follows: "Caesar

ALMEYDA: I've avoided on all sides about the issue of drug trafficking.

-Oscar Villanueva: I read something a couple of days, he can leave in a year!

-César ALMEYDA: If you meet the third of his sentence, there is a rule that says you can not be arrested over ... VILLANUEVA

-Oscar: That will depend on the processes, there are processes that are slow, complicated ... But some of them surely will be solved quickly, because, no?
: At least one case solved and that they have it already, while others are investigating.

-Oscar Villanueva: We solve the strongest, to tell you.
: Or whatever. Next year would be 6 years, if the third party, may leave at the end of next year ... "

(Conversation between General Oscar Villanueva and Cesar Almeida. Partial reproduction, December 10, 2001).

The next aspect of this negotiation is referred to nullify the serious legal charges hanging over the "cash" (General Oscar Villanueva) due to its link with the Montesinos mafia. The general persuaded the government and judges do not metieran nose into their bank accounts apparently were full of dollars of corruption and drug trafficking. Toledo adviser offered, as in their time to Montesinos, buy and blackmail judges and personalities to nullify any danger of imprisonment and general arrestación Villanueva, who for the crimes for which he had was a fish fat to justice. The terms (contract) negotiations between the military and presidential adviser, was based on the payment of dollars to bribe judges and magistrates of the judiciary. Let's see how this information gave the newspaper El Comercio:

"The then legal adviser of President Toledo offers free him from his acute legal problems caused by a member of the woven web of corruption that Vladimiro Montesinos. Almeyda revealed himself as a man Villanueva with important contacts in the judiciary and boasted of being able to bribe, remove and appoint judges. The 'bluff', as it would Creole language. Villanueva offered to implement all its capacity to help in the process, to change, of course, the economic privileges which he called "volumes of books." They spoke of four "volumes" key established between the two sides would mean $ 25,000 each, according to a document that would have left Villanueva .... "(El Comercio January 31, 2004).

But the talk among the Toledo adviser and General Oscar Villanueva, not only spoke of buying judges, millions of dollars and freedom of Montesinos. also discussed other topical issues in Peruvian politics. boastfully told The presidential adviser and with their participation, had Genaro Delgado Parker win the controversial trial over ownership of Channel 5 television. This television entrepreneur was from 1990 to 2000 one of the trusted men who had Montesinos on Peruvian television. Delgado Parker was a frequent visitor to the National Intelligence Service (SIN) in which television programs planned facilities. When Fujimori's government fell, was accused of Mafia ties with Montesinos, and strangely the judges (who had put the government of Toledo), instead of sending him to prison, released him on the grounds that the "defendant was age very advanced. "

catch a burglar!, cried the thief.

early elections reactionary How has the government over this scandal?. Toledo has used an old trick to try to shake the package. He shouted "catch the thief," I am the victim. The president said he knew nothing of these negotiations, and Cesar Almeida had acted on his own and stated that it "would support every effort to investigate the scandal." And "the weight of the law will fall over." Peru Posible, Toledo's political group "expelled" from their ranks to presidential adviser (César Almeyda) by knowing that "the party will not accept corrupt", but the next day was the same Almayda that told reporters that he had never been a member of this party. For his part, Fernando Olivera, another involved in this matter, said this had "goal to end the democratic regime." And he denounced a "conspiracy" of Fujimori and APRA mafia "against the government's stability and the rule. Henry Pease, a former leader of Izquierda Unida (IU), and current president of Congress, and member of the Toledo game, confirmed a again that the Peruvian parliament is a cesspool where sewage is discharged from the scheme. Pease, defended the idea that negotiations between the personal advisor of Toledo and the military mafia mafia Montesinos, is a case isolated which has nothing to do neither the president nor the government. For this Congress, there is no political crisis in Peru, and the fact that the vice president (Raul Canseco Ferry) has resigned because of their corrupt activity, and a man near Toledo has been negotiating with the Montesinos mafia is nothing or to give little importance. According to his version, Almeida has been a sort of infiltrated the government, and according to his words, "everywhere infiltrate corrupt." He defended the idea that the president "knew" his personal advisor: "The number of charges has a president not supposed to personally meet everyone ... It is true that this gentleman (Almeyda) has been Some years before, but not from the beginning. In any case, it has shown what it was. You see it is when you hear the audio. That is their moral standing. "(Oscar Miranda, Henry Pease interview).

As part of this whole spectacle of corruption, crisis and political decay have not been made to wait for the screams calling for" advance the general elections "to change Toledo. The APRA party and the remnants of the official left (Patria Roja, and others) as well as some minor intellectuals have taken the lead in calling for general elections as a solution to the bankruptcy of Toledo. Overtaking the election ( unlikely in Peru) is another type of show, which apparently seeks to improve the current situation, but in practice has the political purpose of cleaning the face of the current government. If supporters of this proposal, have a minimum of political ethics, the first thing you should do is ask for a penalty against the corrupt clique that now rules Peru. In any country in the world (not talking about the banana republics such as Peru) Alejandro Toledo, Fernando Olivera, Cesar Almeyda, and other accomplices who act from the executive, parliament or the judiciary, would be tried and convicted as common criminals, and there would Election wait to leave office.

Moreover, it is through the Peruvian elections may get rid of their corrupt rulers and change the root crisis of the state and society. They now claim to be "opponents" of Toledo and call general elections are held between the current president's election campaign. And are the same as before the election campaign backed President Alberto Fujimori (1990 - 2000), and are exactly the same as before Fujimori took power from the corrupt and murderous Alan Garcia Perez (1985-1990). Here there is nothing to invent or imagine. The popular and definitive solution to the bankruptcy of Peru is part of the long process of social and political struggle by the state political power. Any other kind of solution, within the legal frameworks of State (elections, referenda, etc.), There is nothing but an old story (used since 1821), whose main purpose is to extend the life of a state which is falling apart and make the poor masses a herd of sheep that can be worn behind this or that political group or individual who have made the policy choices and a way to enrich and plundering the assets of state and society.

Brussels, February 5, 2004
Luis Arce Borja


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