Thursday, February 4, 2010

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OPINION: Alvaro Estrada: Professionalization of Real Estate services in Peru

A real estate transaction is a major financial investment experience a person in your life.

A real estate transaction is one of the largest financial investments a person experiences in his life.
residential real estate negotiations, Peru, on average exceed U.S. $ 85,000.00 per property, if you were to make an investment of this kind, or if you are thinking of selling or renting your property (with the risk that this entails) would leave to chance? ... Would not it be foolish not to use the services of a Realtor true?. And that's what it is, the real work to be performed by a Realtor.

See the news from Peru Janela Digital Newletter of

favorably Peru is experiencing the so-called "Real Estate Boom," and the "Boom" represents a high business opportunity for which we develop in item of real estate brokerage. The problem (or limitation) lies in the lack of PROFESSIONALISM in the industry, which generates distrust or rejection potential customers.

a culture is required in the public housing and for this, the state through the Ministry of Housing, has promulgated the Law 29080 (Law of Creation of Record Real Estate Agent), which regulates the work of estate agents; in order to professionalize and improve the quality of services it offers.

And it offers (or should offer) a true Real Estate Agent?

1.Ayudarle determine your purchasing power.

2.Ofrecerle more resources to search for a property.

3.Ayudarle in the selection process by providing objective information about each property.

4.Ayudarle in the negotiation of a property.

5.Asesorarle and help in the cleanup of a property.

6.Ayudarle choose the best financing option.

7.Ayudarle to determine the best price to sell their property.

8.Promocionar and advertise your property.

9.Concretar the sale of your property (among others).

Clearly, then, that the challenge to professionalize the real estate sector, the first step to be taken is the formalization.

degree to get the Real Estate Agent, you must have a record (like all professionals), which is obtained after completing certain hours of study in accordance with the provisions of Law 29080. Coldwell Banker
and Ricardo Palma University, offers a Diploma of Specialization Real Estate Agent where the added value the experiences and case applied to the environment of the area. Keynotes and supplemented by actual practices, to provide comprehensive training business vision, in line with current market demands.

Classes begin February 15 and may request further information by calling 708-0000 (Annex 1230) / 346-2900 (Exhibit 205) or by sending an email to or .
Fuente: Alvaro Estrada. G. Coldwell Banker – Univ. Ricardo Palma.


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