Thursday, February 4, 2010

Easy Italian Side Dishes

OPINION: Sonia Prudencio: The Construction Industry and environmental impact

Para que nuestra generación actual y futura no pierdan el derecho a gozar de un medio ambiente equilibrado.

La Industria de la construcción y el impacto ambiental

El sector de la construcción es considerado como uno de los principales generadores de residuos, por la cantidad de materia prima por cada m2 de vivienda que se construye y la cantidad de energía asociada a la fabricación de los materiales que componen una vivienda puede ascender, aproximadamente, a un tercio del consumo energético of a family over a period of 50 years.

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The life cycle analysis of building permits more easily intuit the environmental consequences arising from construction impacts, which broadly can be reduced to buildings resulting from the construction process and the necessary infrastructure to promote accessibility, occupy and transform the environment in which they are arranged and the manufacture of building materials involves the depletion non-renewable resources because unlimited extraction of raw materials and consumption of fossil fuels.
Our natural environment is affected by the emission of pollutants, as well as the waste disposal of all kinds.

order to achieve our goal and contribute to progress without damaging the planet, it is essential to have the cooperation of all actors involved at different stages of the life cycle of a construction site (from extraction of raw materials, to the demolition of a building etc.). If each of them assumes the responsibility that corresponds, it is possible to implement strategies for preventing and minimizing environmental impact.

We note that the use of a particular natural resource should not affect the ecological balance that sustains and is responsible for its existence.
Perform demolition in accordance with criteria of deconstruction, make the most of materials, reuse cuts work whenever possible and recycle and reuse materials such as stone sub-base in infrastructure works such as drainage material, etc. could contribute to the ecological balance

industrialized production systems and advances in technologies and transportation systems have managed to cheapen some construction materials to the point that on many occasions surplus of work are not exploited but are converted directly into waste going to landfill.

promote the production of new generation materials with higher performance, but need a high consumption of resources and energy, and have the disadvantage that emit more pollutants into the air, water and soil.

If we consider that the planet's capacity to assimilate pollutants generated by the society is limited and the resources available are as well, it is imperative to stop and reflect on the need to make a good choice and proper use of materials to avoid, as far as possible, become waste due to lack of planning or simply because it is increasingly common practice the habit of unsustainable throwaway. "

The solution is simple: first, to consume what we really need, weighing the benefits and environmental impact when deciding on one or the other, then the reuse and recycling.
Source: Sonia Prudencio. General Manager Investment Ground SAC


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