Friday, December 4, 2009

Where Is Cytheria Now?

OPINION: Jorge Villar Rodrigo: Retire in Peru: How to best promote it?

Peru has a great opportunity to promote the coming to invest and live off the Baby Boomers worldwide.

The Phenomenon of Baby Boomers

Baby Boomer, hereafter BB, is a term used to describe a person born during the baby boom (baby boom) period after the Second World War between 1946 and early 1960's. After the Second World War, several Anglo-Saxon countries - the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand - experienced an unusual spike in birth rates, a phenomenon commonly called "baby boom."

See the news from Peru Janela Digital Newletter of

The number and economic impact
Seventy-six million babies were born between 1945 and 1964, representing a cohort that is significant in because of their size alone. In 2004, the BB in the UK had 80% of UK wealth and bought 80% of the entire range of cars, 80% of cruises and 50% of the products in skin care. BB
The millions of foreigners who are retiring from 2007, finding the best place to live the rest of his life with a pension. Some do it in Costa Rica, Ecuador and other Latin countries, that they do better in every way your monthly retirement.
We believe that Peru has, for all the features it has, a great opportunity to promote the coming to invest and live in the BB world.
To this end, specifically, we want to promote that is reduced to become at least equivalent to those living in Peru, the tax on capital gains income. This tax applies from 2004. That is, unless it is 5% of the difference between the buying price and the price they sell at the time of leaving the country, which is currently the resident in Peru. It is now 30% of the pay gap if they make a proceeding before the SUNAT. Otherwise it is 30% of total sales.

To illustrate the importance of the above, we mentioned that in his book "The New Golden Door to Retirement and Living in Costa Rica" by Christopher Howard's highlights as follows:
"You will be pleased to know that there is no tax gain in the value of property in Costa Rica, then it is an excellent investment. You only pay property tax (Realty) at the rate of 0.25% per annum. This is low compared to what is paid in the U.S. "For
grounds, we believe it is very important that the Congress, even for the next fiscal year 2010, this part of the income tax, at least equal to the resident and non resident.
Source: Jorge Villa Rodrigo, MBA General Manager-Rodrigo Villar & SAC - Property Organization

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Women Tuxedo Jacket Sewing Pattern

OPINION: Ivan Milla: Statistics and investment alternatives

Euribe Ivan Milla explains how statistics are a great tool to assist its clients in their investments.

as state entities and individuals as support INEI or CAPECO , have information valuable that only requires people eager for processing.
However, since the school days the fear of mathematics has led the majority to avoid contact with disciplines such as Statistics, which today has become a fundamental means of consultation for any business entrepreneur who decides to invest in real estate .

For example the results of the Peruvian National Consumer Survey, 2009 can work for an employer to know what are the investment opportunities that are beyond the cold numbers.

See the news from Peru Janela Digital Newletter of

Marketing Specialists, supported by statistical analysis report that 9% of household spending in Peru is dedicated to education, this is an important fact, for as educational institutions are concentrated in major cities of the departments of Peru , has also created a need for housing for rent or sale. There is a large audience, young people who leave their districts to move to the cities to study and need to emerge a bid to cover this demand.

Other statistical studies supported by field work (surveys) reported that if family income increases, the first expense that would make the rented departments for their children would buy a second property in the city near the school.
is also presented to the Real Estate Agent a new scenario, this is a key to grow professionally, and not just looking to Lima as a workplace, but also to the underserved of cities around the country.

At this point, there is the chance that the agent should use to detect buildings or land in the vicinity of Universities, Colleges and Schools and with proper marketing feasibility study and investment alternatives for real estate developers or because , for educational institutions.

The author participated in the creation the first course of Specialization Real Estate Agent and from there suggested the need to incorporate into the curriculum, a module that links the activity of real estate brokerage with basic studies in applied statistics.

not forget that when we review every Sunday Trade and compare prices with their locations and which are grouped in one area, or has the same value ... we are doing statistics.

About the author: Graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the Universidad Particular Ricardo Palma with a specialization in Management and Real Estate. Real Estate Pro Mortgage Advisor SAC, Real Estate Astec SRL, and construction companies nationwide. He has developed residential and commercial real estate programs in recent years. Participated in the creation of the first course of Specialization Real Estate Agent dictated by the Technological University-Professor Peru. Module Course Property Management Real Estate Agent specialization issued by the National Engineering University. Real Estate Agent with Record of the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation No. PN 0013. I Expositor Real Estate Management Diploma issued by the Colegio de Ingenieros del Peru. Deputy Speaker of Realtors Registered Peru. Area Manager Real Estate and Property Management LOGIN SA.
Source: Ivan Milla Euribe

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Cellular Repiration Acrostic

Cultural Tituales Paraguay


Tuesday April 14, 2009


electroacoustic music

"Psalms 3 " is the show to be presented today Experimental Electroacoustic Ensemble Campanella at the Cultural Center of Spain Juan de Salazar" (Herrera 834). On occasion, it will launch the album "Round of children on the lake" for the 25 years of Campanella.

today is presented the fifth novel by Susan Gertopán

The new novel by Susan Gertopán be presented today, at 19:30, library Cervantes Cultural Center of Spain Juan de Salazar, under the seal of the Editorial Servilibro . The remarks, in this fifth novel by the author, will be given by Prof. Dr. Enrique Marini and Prof. Sonja Steckbuauer.

New production harpist Ismael Ledesma

Sixteen subjects make up the new album by Ismael Ledesma, today will be presented at a ceremony in Mgasin of la Harpe, which is the local Harposphére editor. This company will launch next May's second book of sheet music with works by other composers Ledesma and national adaptation of that artist.

CCEJS In exhibit a new documentary

With great expectations the makers of the documentary "Paraguay, the forgotten country" have to submit his work tomorrow at the Cultural Center of Spain Juan de Salazar "(CCEJS, Herrera 834). The free exhibition will be at 20:30 in the auditorium "Manuel de Falla" of CCEJS.

poetry magazine "Red Train" will be launched tomorrow

poetry magazine "Red Train" will be released tomorrow at 20:00, at the Institute Paraguayan Cultural German (Juan de Salazar 310 c / Avda. Artigas). It is a material with 32 pages in total and has a cost of G. 20,000.

Paola Irun, praised U.S.

critic J.

Lin wrote a glowing review of the proceedings in the United States of our compatriot Paola Irún of their one-person "Dinner" and "Ramona."

newspaper Ultima Hora

Analysts portray local history on film French

Paraguay, my own forgotten, is the documentary of Philippe Claude and Valeria Dos Santos which opens tomorrow in Latin America. The material mentioned moments of the dictatorship, the transition and the new era with Fernando Lugo.

By Sergio A. Noah Ritter

The audiovisual, written and directed by Frenchman Philippe Claude and Paraguay Valeria Dos Santos, opens tomorrow at the continental level. The function is at 20, at the Centre Juan de Salazar (Herrera 834). Admission free.

This production offers a journey through local history, taking as vertex Fernando Lugo's victory.

appear in the documentary interviews with sociologists and key figures such as Milda Rivarola, José Carlos Rodríguez, Adolfo Ferreiro, Christian Nielsen, Carlos Dos Santos, Luis Aguayo, among others.

were also interviewed Martin Almada, Ausberto Rodriguez, Ananias Maidana, Javier Fernández, Fernando Lugo, Blanca Ovelar and others.

STAGES. The implementation process begins when Valeria Dos Santos, a Paraguayan based in France since 2000, received in Paraguay as a place unknown in Europe.

For this reason, he ventured with her husband, Frenchman Philippe Claude, film so tell a peculiar history of Paraguay.

After a year of intense talks, contacts, interviews and footage, the cherished dream is fulfilled, especially with the material Paraguay, my forgotten land.

CONTENT. In the videotape, a Paraguayan talks about her ground, telling their social structure, its painful past and its unique identity.

material refers to the Paraguayan political process, including transition and some evidence of the dictatorship.

also takes the word of Fernando Lugo and opponents of the Colorado Party, to unravel the past and future of the country. TECHNICAL

. Ribbon 65 minutes, was performed on 16 / 9 format, and includes the production of Solferino Media Images and Quartier Latin.

The film, with versions in French and English, is under the direction of Claude Philippe. It has reviews of Valeria Dos Santos and assistant director of Diego Dos Santos. Topics

José Asunción Flores, Ramón Orchestra Maciel, Dogma, The Secret and others, are part of the sound.


For the director of the proposal, the Frenchman Claude Philippe, the electoral climate last year was an excellent opportunity to capture images, plus take a relevant fact to speak of Paraguay.

"Addressing the country's history just by itself was complicated. So the idea to build-in April-the context of Lugo's victory as a chance to talk about this nation and appeal to our audience , especially Europe, "says Claude.

The Frenchman said that the interview with Fernando Lugo was made after the elections, but says: "It is a film about Lugo."

"The interview the current president, adds the French director, was only a starting point and a key excuse to talk about the past of the country," he remarks.

material already performed in Europe in March, and will be in May.

Los Corales sing today to life and nature

With a concert, the folk trio presented tonight Corals their new album, Scream by Life, which contains 18 songs with environmental themes. The show, called Love Song of struggle for life begins at 20.30, theater Paraguayan Agustín Barrios Center Japan (CPJ), located on Julio Correa and Sunday Portillo. Tickets are priced at G. 15,000 and can be purchased from the ticket office of this cultural center. This recital is part of the cycle Musicians and Music being conducted by CPJ, under the name of Asuncion, as American Capital of Culture. The show has the support of the National Culture Fund (FONDEC) and the UniNorte .

the Los Corales was born in 1983 and is composed of Ramon Riquelme, Aurora Montiel and David Riquelme. The group is innovative interpreter of Paraguayan music, creator of many musical works of educational interest, social, national, ecological and cultural. On the social content of their music, their members were forced to settle in Buenos Aires (Argentina), exiled by the dictatorial government of Alfredo Stroessner.

Los Corales published during his long career of more than 30 years, fifteen record materials of different content. Currently, his themes are focused on ecology and environmental protection, most of them sung in Guarani.

gives the substance of Cry for Life , "is a wake up call concerning the environment," said Aurora Montiel, lead singer of the group.

PRODUCTION. With Prior to this album, The Coral released another as Paraguaiko ñanemba'e, has che paraguaimi, land mine Do not cry (the first English-language material was part of the three albums in exile), Mboriahu joayhu, Democraciaite, Teta Pyahu poyvi 'ame, Santa Elena Purahéi, the landless, and never forget or forgive my beloved in your window. The group also recorded other CDs Ñanderekoha graduates, our habitat (first organic material content), A song to fight and Upalala. MUSICIANS AND MUSIC. This cycle has already presented to artists dedicated music environment, as Rolando Chaparro, Los Alvarez in concert with Don Lorenzo, Luis and Patricia Alvarez- Francisco Russo, Americanto, Los Orrego and Counterpoint. Harpists also presented Marcelo Rojas and Christian Gonzalez, Lizza Bogado, Los Ojheda, Los Alfonso, Bohemia and Riolo Trova Alvarenga.

Alfredo Viola receive affection and appreciation in his farewell

With a simple tribute, family, friends, colleagues and intellectuals dismissed yesterday the remains of Alfredo Viola. The outstanding national historian had died early Sunday, at age 79.

The night before, at the Italian Cemetery in La Recoleta was remembered not only as a great scholar and intellectual, but also as an excellent person.

"I always had the right words, accurate, it was like talking to the protagonists of history," said the architect Marcial Jiménez, a member of the Institute of Historical Research Gaspar Rodriguez de Francia, founded in 1991 to Viola.

France was one of the figures in Paraguayan history teacher who studied in depth during his life. "He was frank, friendly, generous, all that we learned with him and we want this generation and the next I remember as one of the great intellectuals Paraguayans " Gimenez said later.

HUMBLE. Moreover, family members recalled Dr. Viola as a simple, humble and delivered, removed from the luxuries, disciplined and with a big heart.

Since 1955, Alfredo Viola tireless work in education, influencing several generations of students, teachers and intellectuals. He taught at several schools in the capital, National University of Asuncion, Catholic University Our Lady of the Assumption and the Liceo Militar Acosta Nu.

investigated with rigorous scientific method several themes and characters of Paraguayan culture. He has published over 10 books, several of which are considered essential to deepen the knowledge of national history. Yesterday, family and colleagues said that there are a number of Alfredo Viola materials that have been completed, but have not yet been published.


back to scene "Karai Xuande"

The play "Karai Xuande "will be presented tonight at 20:00 in La Casona of Coomecipar (San Jose corner of Rio de Janeiro). Admission is free.

staged by the group "The + Face Theater," starring and directed by Emilio Barreto Galia Giménez, this piece tells the story of a peasant leader based in the 70's. He expressed his deep dissatisfaction with the government's merciless attack the press, harshly questioning Paraguayan emigration in search of work and its serious social and family consequences.

Juan de Salazar, photography workshop starts

Starts today at 15:00, a workshop entitled "Learning to see and enjoy photography," in Workshop room of the Cultural Center of Spain Juan de Salazar "(Tacuary almost Herrera 745). Access to the course is free.

The workshop will be held every Tuesday and Thursday in April, from 15:00. The purpose of the activity is for youth and adults to participate in this experience which philosophy proposes that the language of photography as a means to learn to better understand the world. The course is designed as an instruction to achieve clearly defined objectives in a short period.

Architecture-A, plan today "Total Recall"

The movie "Total Recall" is displayed today at 19:00 at the Aula Magna of School of Architecture, Design and Art National University of Asunción (UNA) , on the campus of San Lorenzo. Admission is free.

This cycle, called "Architecture in the Movies" takes place on Tuesday. Selected films are displayed with special care for the films in relation to architectural spaces. The cycle started in 2007 as part of cultural activities developed in the institution, with the aim of generating a cultural.