Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Satellite Channels Frequency

Anniversary PanTel a

Genaro Case

Remember when the news American flag had 30 points rating? Remember when American led the ranking of channels of television. "Thing of the past. Who today the media (and even television) called "the owner", "owner" and "the boss" of American , shattering the lawsuit that clearly showed us that Mr. Delgado Parker not shares and Channel 5, Olympian, jumped all the fences of justice to embezzle the country's most important channel, has been charged, much to his style-of bankrupt and pobredumbre to this television. He and his ineffable employees (Oscar Becerra to the head, titled TV is the greatest failure of American ) have been commissioned to make Channel 5 a perfect imitation of channel 13, a channel that has expired and little he needed to start broadcasting in black and white and programs paid for by healers naturists of all calibers. All great production which is responsible for leading Mr. Becerra are received with 1, 2 and even 3-point rating. "You'll notice Mr. Delgado Parker that if at any time was a renowned broadcaster, today his name is synonymous with failure, doubt, fraud, trick, trip, debt, abuse, bias, collusion and corruption? . Al margin of its illegal income Panamericana, where he entered as you enter the Channel 9 with fraudulent decisions, with judges bought and illegitimate precautionary measures, this man has dedicated himself to steal, cheat and leave of improvised and coxcombs a channel that should be exported with a schedule that makes you feel that our country has much to offer. Do not pay or bidders of their programs, do not pay their workers and the channel is in absolute chaos and disorder. And look I have not spent more lines to speak of "online journalism" channel, with a tree Reporterito the worst kind as Alejandro Guerrero as a leader and a mannequin with built-cassette (or rather, on teleprompter) and Jessica Tapia , speaking what I whisper in his ear. I wonder: Why do not dismiss it and reserve Genaro 10 at night to deliver, in the style of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela - from his office on the fifth floor of the Avenida Arequipa (or Miami , most suits you) the program (because news is not going to be more) "At 10 with Genaro " where he says what he wants and is dispatched to your liking. I'm sure that would be a resounding success, with which the channel at least achieve imposed at that time, it would have guests from the cream of national policy: Olivera, Toledo, Pacheco, Belmont, Ferrero and other wildlife policy, all agreeing that it must make do with Toledo and his gang and no evidence disproving one to a corruption allegations scheme: it would Ferrero official interpreter, translated into Castilian and in sign language what Toledo meant in his discourses, Olivera waving and throwing insults here and there in set to Pacheco displaying his incomprehensible berborrea and Genaro inviting journalists to silence them impartial mouth, put an end gag of throwing them in September. Tip: Use Study 5 completito Mr. Delgado Parker , must be a top-flight program, and a budget as high as having Palacio. Finally, a little message to Genaro : you continue driving American like his ranch, knowing full well that not going to last. If you know that Channel 5 will be in charge on a permanent basis will not be doing business almost irreparable damage that has been doing since he joined. How is your billing? What is the charge per ad now?. And give me a ride to put an ad in the channel: The mobsters have days "How am I charged for this notice, Papaúpa? (Comments on the anniversary of which was the largest channel in the country: American TV, Channel 5 in Lima, Peru).


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