Thursday, October 13, 2005

Absorbant Handkerchiefs


. ... It really hurts, because I see things very fucked.
I have "chakanas." The truth is that I'll tell you things,

Genaro Delgado Parker. I am your accomplice.

F. Olivera. ... The day before I meet with Ferrero and Toledo and for this I
called "vente, vente, vente ... damn, when He


?..." (Toledo) asked me, man ... then solve the Oceanic, the president of Congress
... then I here I have more things to do ...
I said, I have indeed come, I'm going to Spain quiet, or if not then I'll be back
here, but he said no, I want to swear ... and
oath at noon the next day ... I see that did not reach the ministers and everyone starts
arrive one by one ...
Ferrero appeared, was not face anyone ... .. then comes the oath to two minutes
letter Ferrero comes to ... (unintelligible)

G. Delgado. ... I received a phone call saying, look ... just
get a fax ... no way! Can not be reached by a fax! Ferrero
renounced, can not be!

F. Olivera. ... Alejandro Guerrero called me ...

G. Delgado. ... Yes, yes, or was aware of everything ... I was puzzled ...

F. Olivera. ... Well, with everything I had seen, Ferrero had renounced
Toledo and Toledo because he believed would convince ....

F. Olivera. ... At the time of swearing
resolution was not signed, but while it was all that I had a problem with
the resolution, does not that you knew?

G. Delgado. He did not know I just found out right now.

F. Olivera. ... I was holding the eggs, then Ferrero us
was pressing because we had caught the egg ...

Ferrero Because if left to say "I have not signed anything, gentlemen, that's
no, that's a simulation, fucked up bitch, bitch that shit ...
I would lie to the President.

F. Olivera. So what happened? Toledo has come after that. He had not calculated
you quit, this immediately that he would
over ... he has gone to look for ...

G. Delgado. ... Square.

F. Olivera. ... Square to not resign, or whether it would to give stop
signed the resolution. Ferrero was hiding, meanwhile
scenario was going to convince me.

G. Delgado. "Toledo?

F. Olivera. ... Well, then they will speak with you ... remember?

G. Delgado. ... Sure, sure, I called Toledo ...

F. Olivera. ... I expected.

G. Delgado. ... I called Toledo, Palacio called me ... I said
can not move. He said: "sale as is." Then I put on my armor and
I went to the Palace. He said, "Look, Genaro, I'm scared ... I
4 ministers have resigned ... I know we're not going to stay together in
parliament. And they told me at the moment, I know that we are not going to stay together
. I do not know what to do! So the only solution is to ask Olivera
the vacancy, but that's a damn outrage! ...
See how you do ", but what else can I do?

G. Delgado. ... Sure that was not seen on the streets, but how can you go
a thing of the hands ... then no , but you're
friend of ours (from Toledo and Olivera). Why do not you talk, not
say ... but I (unintelligible) ... if there is no parliament
effectively, if there is this and I saw it he soft, soft,
scared, shit in your pants ...

G. Delgado. Then I said, well, go there ... but you told me there
press. I said then there will be scandal ...
what I want to say is that is loose the statesman.

F. Olivera. ... The problem was not that a riot Ferrero
resign but ministers ... but how they will challenge the decision of President
today? ... Well, renounce it, I accept the resignation Ferrero
starting ...

G. Delgado. ... Now I know, he sent him into Kuczynski to talk to you.
I called and then sent me another one that is the People's Action ... Vitocho

F. Olivera. Maúrtua tells me que mañana será la entrega del cargo y no
sé que tenía ganas de ir a la Cancillería, pero me aguanté. No voy.
Mañana iré para cumplir con la formalidad. "Oye, le digo, quiero tener
la resolución en tus manos". Cuando veo lo que está
pasando...canciller (le dijo Maúrtua), usted fue muy respetuoso, pero
hay un problema, no tengo la resolución, no la tengo firmada...¿qué me
dice usted?, ah, o sea que... (ininteligible)

G. Delgado. ...o sea que no ha leído la Resolución...

F. Olivera. ...o sea que tú has leído una resolución que no ha estado

G. Delgado. ... Listen to me here is the letter, it is interesting that they have
letter because it is a reality for you, because I asked that
letter to Kuczynski's delivery with a copy to you.

F. Olivera. ... Aha !!...

G. Delgado. For you are involved in the issue, and it hit an eye
PPK on the subject, no ... but this is a powerful
company very, very big it has taps in the U.S.. I see right now the disaster
Louisiana and the price that Americans themselves ...

F. Olivera. ... Uh.

G. Delgado. ... In this company they have made an association ... this
business people are everywhere, doing business with the Chinese,
USA, Venezuela, Brazil, with the world ... so they're very
important, not just any little thing and when they send you a letter saying they are interested
is that they are interested, now.
If not, do not send him.

G. Delgado. But you have to do what gives him, but
what will you do? Because you have something to do, if you told me that I'm
to occupy two or three issues to develop.

F. Olivera. I have issues to develop like this until next year.

G. Delgado. For example, this may be some issues to be developed with foreign investment

F. Olivera. I kept seeing Kuczynski and Toledo and I have to be
out on TV or anything ...

G. Delgado. Not then, no, that has to be quietly ...

F. Olivera. No, things are made, and things out well ...

G. Delgado. I'll take you as his subject, I
I found just one person and bye ...

F. Olivera. But then if it comes will be a society or a society ... or ...

G. Delgado. To speak with Blume, who is also a close friend, I want to get
... the problem is that you do not get into one of these businesses
openly, because you are the face ... you Moralizador


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