Tuesday, December 23, 2008

How To Use Fast Forward Mode On Vba

A long way, story of Diana Viveros

many cases, how many things

filled childhoods. José Saramago


Spring runs from September 21 to December 20. It is the most beautiful season. The flowers open and people are dressed in light clothes and showy. There are many colors in the spring, everywhere ...

* * *

Feo like Socrates, with a pronounced bald a little bright, flat nose and covered in pimples, small eyes necessarily disappear with lips curve expressing happiness or sarcasm or malice, because the volume of greasy cheeks that, contrary to the belly fat that his flesh bent toward the floor, rose with an effort to completely cover the part after dark circles , the new boyfriend of the mother of Sebastian came before him, encouraged by a flurry absurd. The child, through their Early in season thick myopic glasses, stared at him, did not expect that of her mother who both had spoken for some time turned out to be a figure in his view so picturesque and demonstrating such fervor to shake hands and to keep that gesture by several seconds that the three, each in his heart, ended considered excessive.

- How is the champion? The tiger in the house! - Don Oscar said, vigorously stirring the hair of schoolchildren, who for all flat response, gave him a smile with his eyes crouched retracted.

- Seba prepared houses - heating the mother said, while inviting the visitor to be seated in the spacious room.

- Ah, do not forget that I bring a gift to the baby! - Muttered Don Oscar, with the left palm on the side of the mouth, near the ear of the woman. This, I already knew what it was, played with a pleading look that hinted that the gift was not going to be pleasing to the child.

- Dear, you should not have bothered you, seriously ...

She articulated these words in haste and nervous gestures. Seconds later, he added:

- Better let you return to your room because it is doing homework for tomorrow, right, and Sheba? I'll bring the jug and glasses. Ugh! The weather ...! - And fanned his face with his fingers. Almost

pushed, Teresa took the child from the room, dragging her wheelchair into the bedroom. Don Oscar did not quite understand why he could not give the precious gift to the tiger's home. If it was a matter of going through it until your vehicle.

- But ... So what do I do with the ball then? - He asked himself, confused, regardless of the embarrassment that his partner had just saved.


The birds sing all happy and celebrating his return. I like spring because I can eat ice cream and cake, cold in winter are not selling because nobody buys them and not business. But in the spring itself, because the sun makes us sweat when we ride we crave chocolate raspberry ice cream or vanilla cakes ...

* * *

With this, the fifth potential was added Sebastian's stepfather since the true father fled a decade ago when it still fed on breast milk.

The first came during the morning, stayed for a while and came out like, without saying a word aloud, walking on tiptoe, as would a spirit night or a stealthy cat . Sebastian, always fragile victim of a dream, he remembered quite well, for he admired its mystery and wrap up he felt that his own mother also became pen during visits silent. Sometimes he was tempted by the idea out of his room to hide and find out who it was, but never dared. A secret game has its rules and we must respect them even if one is fearful for the curious. What mattered was that Teresa was getting ready and dressed as if time had postponed her work of inevitable decline. Well liked Sebastian, seeing go to the salon or by filling the house with her laughter so exciting. Smoke That man would have been ideal, but definitely eventually vanish after a period of delicate seduction. The mother went out and stayed away for a few weeks. Cried a lot, Sebastian was with her. The early morning resumed their usual empty and only were heard, often, the howling of dogs and the steps of a lost hiker in the streets, under the yellow moon.

The other suitor was Rafael, coarse and robust. To him that the boy himself came to see and treat him and knew the power of his fists annoying do. Teresa also, so I complained and sent him to prison and had to move from neighborhood to avoid reprisals, after the striker completed the sentence. The hell lasted half a year, sponsored by alcohol and jealousy. Yes, because Rafael was extremely jealous and would not allow their women to wear makeup or go out without your consent. Only work let her go because someone had to bring bread to the table and get more alcohol how to appease the fury of his inner demons. A crucial weekend, rain, the subject gave the new address of his former partner. This paled when she saw him cross the threshold, with the same force as before, with more madness in his eyes Cinderella. Raphael took them Sebastian vehemently dragged to a car which had locks up and disappeared. Managed with uncertainty until he began to suspect that a policeman was following the track. Accelerated without limit, ignoring the end of his mindless vengeance. He saw the truck wrapped in fog and parked on the road and died there, with the rust and glass embedded in his skull and the rest of their body mass. A miracle saved him from Sebastian, but his spine was shattered. Would never walk again. Cried a lot, his mother accompanied him.

Then there was Carlos, an official of the Treasury. She was curled up, puzzled at all hours for something that nobody knew exactly what it was and seemed to suffer from anorexia, so thin she looked in his starched shirt and checkered tie eternal. Office had a reputation for voracious reader, so that Teresa, the accountant of the same entity, was attracted by the flame ground that was going on around him. With Sebastian wonderfully well understood and had read some fascinating books like The Canterville Ghost or Juan Salvador Gaviota , also had an exquisite musical training, but the apprentice was reluctant to listen to opera or jazz . Teresa had with Carlos a long romance that probably would have ended in marriage if her sister Alicia had not returned to study in Buenos Aires. And unscrupulous coquette, the prudish and Carlos were for her a challenge. And he was very innocent, almost idiot. And pulling the floor its enormous intellectual and rent glasses with their long nails neat shirt, Alicia went to bed. And again Teresa touched mourn over and Sebastian, a little annoyed already with her in her distress.

The last candidate of his mother, after flatly cut all ties with Aunt Alice, was named Darius. He lived with them just over a year and he had sincere appreciation to Sebastian. Together they spent idle hours watching movies watching TV or playing checkers. Teresa seemed to return to the calm with that beardless under his roof, he knew he was still in puberty when he left the field in search of fortune, on the way to Asuncion. She met him at a restaurant cleaning glasses and took it home with confidence and installed it there. Was happy with him, as he had never been before and therefore generous fees paid profession. Darius was received later and proudly showed him his wife obtained the diploma, and scattered kisses on the skin of it and her hair flew in the air, while it lasted the voluptuous embrace. But one night, without warning, she took her things and left. In his hurried trip, had the opportunity to take with him the beloved pet of Sebastian, a rabbit who will serve as a centerpiece in the fictional family would feast, beyond en el pueblo, cuando lo vieran regresar de la capital, maduro y con un título que le permitiría sacar adelante a sus numerosos hermanitos. Teresa, nuevamente, quedó en desamparo, ahogada en una profunda lágrima que cavaba meandros en su semblante. Sebastián, sin embargo, indolente, sombrío, comenzaba a andar por el largo camino que, a su tierna edad, conduce al odio.


Me gusta mucho esta época no sólo porque la naturaleza renace, como se dice, sino también porque entonces podemos ir al parque y ya no hay problema con que el pasto esté mojado o peligro de que venga un señor y pida una currency because they are hungry ...

* * *

Don Oscar owned a fabric store. Luenga widower of data, the company of that bet thirty-something female Aprils he imagined an oasis in the vast, dark desert. Began to frequent a few weeks ago, when he was encouraged to fence the client with sweet words and intentions firm. It was believed the world happier for having the affection of Teresa, who did not hide their bad experiences in the difficult art of love, so that their values \u200b\u200bwere judged of high quality by the widower, and that in addition to the charms visible that held the accountant, the cornerstone of warm wishes, I decorated the frankness and other meritorious virtues.

For its part, also Teresa came to feel affection for that merchant that look as eccentric. He was surprised his spontaneity and his diligent and lively chat. Again, I was in love. What your heart's ability to overcome the agony and give encouragement to new illusions! And hoping that Oscar does not fail. He enjoyed a status as loose and touched the sixties, Sebastian treat status grandson, best of all in the family hierarchy, perhaps even to cover a treatment could abroad to reverse the diagnosis that the hospital was sentenced to a wheelchair. Yes, it should behave selfish this time, and her son, who had suffered even more than her because of the different men in her life.

The evening twilight was painting. A talk messy and distracting innocent caresses the brand partner. No more houses jar for some time and when they decided to move under the pergola in the courtyard to witness the birth of Venus, as two teenagers huddled in puerile passion, felt the pangs in the stomach, both in unison. Then the vertigo invaded and view them failed. The heart rate was increasing and they pressed the chest. The stitches in the stomach followed one after another, were growing, but amid the despair, those who suffered were unable to issue any complaint, they could not stop pushing with their hands over the area of \u200b\u200bpain and both were thrown the floor, helpless. Breathing became difficult, almost the lungs stopped working. The pulse is soothed. The headache came on suddenly quickened pulses precipitously on each side of the forehead and after a while, all came to nothing.

meantime, busy in his creative writing, Sebastian trusted that the ant venom poured into large dose in the juice of honey would be effective to give a final warning to his mother and a warning to the love of it, for if he could overcome. Darius had seen a movie where the protagonist did something similar. Rafael learned to act without fear of what might happen. With Charles and his reading discovered that suffering is part of the task of forming a human, as the pain redeems. From that first on the list, the invisible, the ethereal, rescued discretion.

* * *

In the spring people not to ask you about silver, it gives you a lot of smile and attending parties and dance until your feet get tired, but feel sad with that, and that at night you see people going to dance again. People are well! So I'm also very happy with the arrival of spring.



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