Friday, May 21, 2010

Nancy Drew Wolf Shovel Pond


always talk of teamwork as an ideal form of rapport between members of an organization, but what should keep in mind is that a team can face greater challenges, even though these are handled by many people separately. This is due mainly to the use of resources of each of the people and their interaction with the rest of them. That way the companies Real Estate Agents and Registered can obtain better results in developing a proper teamwork. We must also take into account the communication between network nodes that form a group and to be communicated in an optimal way.

The specialists of these concepts there is no magic method to ensure success, comes into play both the type of organization and commitment of each of the "actors" that interact with each other and with the group. In addition, each actor must know the property being sold, is a decisive factor in establishing a system of teamwork. With regard to interpersonal collaboration, we propose a strategy based on communication channels. This concept refers to the tools of modern communication that comes from outside the traditional channels, ie using modern Internet tools that allow more dynamism to all real estate sectors.

Thus, innovativeness is present in the concept of "teamwork" as that which can help more successfully conclude the process of selling real estate. In fact, he has always said that "two heads are better than two", which applied to the subject property, it is easier for innovation to be presented through the interaction between several people working together that several people separately.

Thus, as today, new internet networks greatly encourage the flourishing of new business strategies. The search for creative solutions that allow the consolidation of new business channels (Web sites that promote the Agents and Business, Real Estate Exchanges where the applicant is a new and innovative online marketplace). All this translates into a more robust intermediation by the participation of all members of the real estate business, allowing greater participation of stakeholders and facilitates the struggle to maintain a position in the market. Teamwork is often one of the remaining tasks many organizations, so here we invite Registered Real Estate Agents and property companies to try, join networks, bags, and specialized virtual magazines, which are the teams of the future.


teamwork in the Real Estate Agent and Registered Real Estate Company should be specialized, for customers looking for it is they who know some product or service of real estate activity (buying, selling, leasing, property management, training) must also develop activity in a given area, district and sector as residential, commercial or industrial.

networks or working groups then can be composed of experts in different fields and only then will sense the so-called * referrals *. So if someone makes industrial real estate brokerage and a customer asks for a residential property, then we can recommend a colleague who specializes in RED departments or houses (with whom he previously has a participation agreement). This will prevent that housing activity will continue to present undesirable situations such as informal operations realizadas por improvisados, que solo pretenden *ganarse alguito* al cerrar una operación inmobiliaria con la cual no han tenido el más mínimo compromiso, ya que no la realizan de manera habitual ni profesional.

Ivan Milla Euribe .-

  • graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the Ricardo Palma University, majoring in Business Real Estate and Property Management, Real Estate Advisory developers.
  • Astec Estate Manager until 2007, manager of the Department of Buildings Management Login SA until 2009 and current manager of the company Real Estate Managers SAC, a company dedicated to property management.
  • participate in the teaching field as manager of First Course of Specialization Realtor dictated by UTP (2008), Professor of Real Estate Management module at the National University of Engineering and display of Real Estate Management Diploma in CIP (2009). Professor of Real Estate Agent graduated from Universidad Ricardo Palma ( 2010).
  • Exhibitor Seminar property management issued by the Global Institute 2009 and R Real Estate Management Diploma graduate school at the Technological University of Peru. Deputy Speaker of Realtors Registered Peru.