Friday, June 13, 2008

List Of Lipsticks Containing Lead

Psychoanalytic Cultural Poetry: In a tile, new book by Susy Delgado Javier Viveros

Eulo GarcĂ­a, Javier Viveros Chester Swann and the presentation of the book

About this book says Eulo Garcia "Like the memory or the shadow of a resurrected haijin , Javier Viveros explores the endless possibilities a moment through the soul to the weather, the wonderful perpetuation of an eye at the beginning of the century and the urgent need for the transience of fireflies. Invites us to know, with precision, humor, wit and melancholy that the universe, sometimes (like love, life and memory) easily fits into the small size of a tile on it and it can travel with wings feet and stars in their eyes. And with the ancient lineage of silent travelers, this book shows us the path of poetry is still run by the troubled souls of the ailments, but so strong and tireless in the revival of things. And with all this, I definitely believe it is inevitable on the horizon of life, the sunset is no longer so alone. "

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

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Augusto Roa Bastos

exercises Susy cultural journalism since the early 80. Was responsible for the Cultural Area of \u200b\u200bthe newspaper La Nacion for ten years. He currently heads the cultural magazine Takuapu .
has published four books of poetry in Guarani and five in Castilian, two bilingual anthology, a volume of short stories and a book of poems and stories for children, as well as compilations of Paraguayan literature. He has received several literary awards such as: Municipal Board Award 1992, Award finalist First Indigenous Literatures Casa de las Americas, Cuba, in 1992, Person of the Year in 1997, Special Mention Award in 1998 and 2000 Municipal. E
In December 2005 he won the Hamete Cide awarded by the University of Toulouse Le Mirail and Radio France International. In 2006 he won the Second Municipal Prize for Literature. Some of his books have been translated into English, Portuguese and German.
Source: Susy rogami

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

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