Saturday, December 10, 2005

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Entrepreneur of the Year Report Finds GENARO DELGADO PARKER signal transmitted illegally Global Network

A report of 'Fourth Estate' showed that Channel 13 transmits its signal from an address not authorized by the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) following a dispute between the current administration, led by Genaro Delgado Parker (GDP) , and the creditors.

For radio and television law, Article 77, the irregular fact is considered an infringement very serious and can be fined up to 50 UIT (S / 160,000). Even, if it continues to lack, which the authorization may be canceled.

In the research presented yesterday at America Television Network reports that Global output from one of the buildings Pan, Santa Beatriz, and not from local Brena, as authorized by the MTC. Remember that

Delgado Parker is manager of both the 5 and 13 per alliance with Fernando Alejandro Toledo and Popi-Olivera.

whole mess started when the creditors of Global Network INDECOPI request to declare it insolvent to have a debt, they say, of to $ 20 million . Recently SUNAT resolution in their favor, benefiting the company "CorporaciĆ³n Peruana SA Consulting ', whose spokesman is Gonzalo Iturri.

Meanwhile, the company Iturri blocks from their offices, located in Miraflores, the images displayed on screens with an antenna directed to Morro Solar, as shown in the report. However, after a short time the signal returns to normal because, as explained, the former administration changed frequently.

Finally, with both technical conflict, the only certainty is that the dispute affects in the tuning, being Channel Global Network with the cooler before the airwaves. television